Triple-Vaccinated Swiss Olympic athlete diagnosed with Myocarditis – IOTW Report

Triple-Vaccinated Swiss Olympic athlete diagnosed with Myocarditis

CFP: The star runner Fabienne Schlumpf announced the news in a post on Instagram.  Schlumpf confirmed to a Swiss newspaper that she has been triple vaccinated and that she has not had Covid.

“Unfortunately myocarditis is holding me back at the moment. It’s certainly not an easy time for me, but I’m not giving up. I hope to be back soon, chasing my dreams… and competitors,” she wrote. This is however the end of the road for her career. “Nobody can say how long I’ll have to put my career on hold,” she admitted. more

15 Comments on Triple-Vaccinated Swiss Olympic athlete diagnosed with Myocarditis

  1. You are fucked forever, Fabienne Schlumpf. That HAS to be a fake name.

    Anyway, I’ve had chink flu TWICE because you fucking fools can’t contain yourselves.

  2. Quit getting the “vaccines”, fucking dipshits! You are fucking the rest of us up. Didn’t help you either, did it, dipshit? Dipshit!

    fucks sake

  3. Burr, old schoo bureaucrat
    JANUARY 17, 2022 AT 11:59 PM
    “Man I wish “FUCKED FOREVER” was a legal ruling. Or a rubber stamp you could slam onto someones papers.”

    …My guess would be that’s the stamp John Roberts put on the Texas election fraud lawsuit that allowed Pedo Joe to steal the election, right next to the NO STANDING stamp…

  4. @OldCoot January 18, 2022 at 2:36 am

    > I didn’t get covid, but now I’ve got this nifty heart condition that’ll probably kill me in a few years.

    Coot, you illiterate slut! Didn’t you read the label!?

    “You’ll still get the coof. But the symptoms MIGHT not be as bad. Maybe. Allegedly.

    Subject to change, without notice.”

  5. OldCoot
    JANUARY 18, 2022 AT 2:36 AM
    “I didn’t get covid, but now I’ve got this nifty heart condition that’ll probably kill me in a few years.”


    Myocarditis death rate is 50% 5 years out.

    Per the NIH itself, not an organization known for honesty when it comes to Jab sequale.

    If anything, they are probably UNDERstating.

    “Immediate complications of myocarditis include ventricular dysrhythmias, left ventricular aneurysm, CHF, and dilated cardiomyopathy. The mortality rate is up to 20% at 1 year and 50% at 5 years.  Despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years.”,in%20the%20last%2030%20years.

  6. I wondered when REgressives were going to get around to fucking up tennis like they’ve fucked up everything else they touch. Guess I can stop wondering.

    4 players in the AO have had to withdraw because of chest pains and a ball girl collapsed on the court. What kills me is the lack of support Novak got from other tennis players. A walk out en masse would have fucked their tournament. But not only did the vast majority not boycott the AO, many just had to virtue signal including an ex fav of mine, Nadal.

  7. I’m a seasoned senior citizen. I may not have alphabet letters behind my name, but I know enough not to inject an unknown substance into my body. Never a flu shot, and I’ve only had the flu once in my life and that was back around 1956. I got the rona when no one had a name for it – 12/2019, and I haven’t been sick since. I think my natural immunity has worked well for me these past 70 years. No jabs for me – now or ever.

  8. Deplorable Second Class January 18, 2022 at 6:15 am

    When are we going to start burning our JAB cards???

    Happy to say I never got one to burn! 🙂


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