Troops Await Deployment Orders from Ninth Circuit – IOTW Report

Troops Await Deployment Orders from Ninth Circuit

AmericanThinker: Apart from the unremitting attacks on Republicans by paid mobs and Democratic congressmen desperate to help the base forget they lost big time and will continue to do so in 2018, the big news this week has to be the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granting itself the right to dictate foreign policy despite the clear words of the Constitution and federal law granting the president the absolute right to preclude entry to any alien he thinks poses a threat to national security.

Following a nonsensical decision by federal court Judge James Robart in Washington state staying the suspension of entry from seven countries, the administration sought to overturn it — the most popular Trump executive order — in the Ninth Circuit, the largest and most frequently overturned federal Circuit Court.

In the meantime, the Department of State is bringing in refugees at a furious rate:

1,618 have come in since Trump first signed an EO to pause the refugee program for 120-days — and less than a week since Judge Robart ruled on a portion of the EO.

Of the 1,618, the following came from countries the Administration was particularly concerned about. And, remember, although there were 7 countries of concern (90 day pause from 6 of them) Syria was to be halted indefinitely:

Iran (84)

Iraq (151)

Somalia (68)

Sudan (24)

Syria (248)

No refugees came from Libya or Yemen, however, 78 came from Afghanistan in less than a week — a country I maintain should have been included from day one. (This notion that the 7 countries targeted had already been identified by the Obama Administration so, we are told, the Trump team thought they had some sort of PR coup with the media was a dumb idea. The media hardly mentioned it.)   MORE

12 Comments on Troops Await Deployment Orders from Ninth Circuit

  1. I hope everyone had a chance to catch WH Policy Advisor Stephen Miller on the Sunday talk show circuit — it was a beautiful thing to behold as he made the big three, Wallace, Stafolococcous, and Todd look and sound like used car salesmen. It was truly glorious. Miller made mincemeat of all three. I hope he’s a regular ever Sunday.

  2. @Brian — This is the baliwick of Dept of Homeland Security (Secy John Kelley) and their subs, ICE. It will also involve the Dept. of Justice (because the FBI is involved). T-Rex as Secy of State has charge of the execution of foreign policy and diplomacy. Hope that helps.

  3. @Abigail, yes did see the Snuffleupagus interview. What an ass he made of himself. Such piety and self righteousness shoved, very calmly, right back in his face. This winning thing is not gonna end soon I am sorry to tell the Sesame Street people.

  4. Clean up in Isle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!!
    Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, radical, Marxist Muzlim Mallard made one helluva mess of things for the past eight years, deliberated intended to last beyond his two terms, and it’s gonna take a while to clean up.
    Remember this one: We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

  5. Come on….Republicans! The Democrats under Lynch and Holder could run a stall better than Dean Smith in his prime. Obfuscate and pretend to be “considering” things.

    Slow down the visa paperwork. Give all those visa people other duties, like reading the Federal register 7 hours a day for the next 6 months.


  6. @Billy Fuster (where’s your avatar?) — the headline is sarcastic. Since a lowly and ignorant District judge (from Seattle) and the 9th Circuit (run by judicial activists) thought they could usurp the legal authority of the Executive in the realm of domestic national security, they might just as well take over the role of Commander-in-Chief, too. Hope this is helpful.

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