Trouble For Charlie Rangel – IOTW Report

Trouble For Charlie Rangel

The Conversation

Citing shifting demographics and a scandal-plagued past, some are expecting U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel (D) to lose a rematch with state Sen. Adriano Espaillat in the June 24 Democratic primary.

Rangel barely won against Espaillat in 2012 “in a 13th Congressional District race that involved disputed election results and a lawsuit.”

The once powerful Democrat Rangel stepped down as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee over an ethics scandal involving taxes which also led to his being censured in 2011.

Rangel’s district has been becoming increasingly Hispanic for years and some think this may be the year it reaches critical mass.

“Demographics are destiny, especially in New York,” said political consultant Hank Sheinkopf. “If the demographics have shifted so dramatically, Charlie Rangel can lose.”

Rangel, 83, is fighting to retain his seat but Espaillat is going right at him, as well as campaigning hard himself. In the end it may come down to turn-out and no one should rule out controversy including lawsuits given the way the last contest ended.


image: NLPC

11 Comments on Trouble For Charlie Rangel

  1. Only a power-mad, crooked control freak would want to continue working at age 83. That in itself should be enough for people not to vote for him.

  2. Looks like a prank from the movie Meatballs. Picked up old charlie while he was sleeping in the alley and moved him to the beach. The bottle of Mad Dog fell out of his hand while they moved him.

  3. Translation: “Demographics are destiny”

    An anti-Southern, corrupt, bigoted black racist devotee of Karl Marx is challenged by a hispanic who no doubt is as much or more of all those descriptors.

    Ceteris paribus & a priori, it is nothing more than a racist cage match.

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