Trucker, With Naked Wife In Cab, Gets 20 Years For Hitting School Bus – IOTW Report

Trucker, With Naked Wife In Cab, Gets 20 Years For Hitting School Bus

TR: A driver has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for rear-ending a stopped school bus with children on board.

Shannon Ford was driving an unloaded log truck with his wife in the cab when he failed to brake and hit a school bus with 15 students on board. The bus was stopped, it had the stop arm extended, and its lights were flashing.  MORE

22 Comments on Trucker, With Naked Wife In Cab, Gets 20 Years For Hitting School Bus

  1. “eight of the 10 brakes on the truck were defective and that it was dangerous for the truck to be on the road.”

    I’ve worked on a bunch of log trucks and can testify to the fact that they are the most dangerous rigs on the road.
    Many of the drivers use to remove the front brakes so they wouldn’t have to maintain them, because they were not required by DOT on the steer axle in my state. (They had to take the drums off and strip them down to the steering knuckle to make it legal).

    Everything was worn out on a bunch of those trucks – tires bald, play in the steering linkage, brakes out of adjustment or worn down close to the metal, fuel pump seals broken and fuel turned up past specs, tobacco juice spewed all over the cabs, bare wires hanging, head lights out of adjustment, lights missing or not working, you name it.

    And the naked woman does not surprise me a bit. But with a company named Mo’s Trucking, I would expect a naked goat instead.

  2. How the hell could the truck driver see the school bus when his wife was sitting on his lap facing him? I would have at least made her turn around and watch the road.

  3. Unruly
    I cut my teeth in a log truck in the sixties.
    Poor maintenance I can’t argue with, but we always took the front brakes off due to the fact that it’s impossible to steer on ice and snow when the front wheels are not turning.
    Less braking, of course, but a good trade just the same.

  4. I avoid log trucks and chip trucks like the plague driving in Idaho and Montana. The drivers are suicidal, drive like bats outa hell and just plain generally scare me to death on a lot of the narrow 2 lane roads we have in this part of the country. If either one is behind me I’ll pull out and let em pass because I’d rather have them in front of me where I can see them. Hwy. 12 between Lewiston, Id. and Kamiah, Kooskia, id. is narrow right on the Clearwater River with no guard rails in some places along the river, the speed limit is 45 on a lot of the curves and these jerks still blow by me like I’m standing still. And the road between Plummer, Id. and St. Maries, Id. at the bottom of CDA Lake is another place I let them pass because the road is so narrow and full of dangerous curves including one notorious hairpin curve a few miles out of St. Maries that has a 20 mph speed limit where I’ve seen a few wrecks and overturned trucks. You gotta be a different breed of cat to drive like most of these guys do, a lotta them get paid by how many loads they can make daily from St. Maries to the pulp mill in Lewiston at the bottom of a very long steep hill on US 95.

  5. Judge: “What’s the most dangerous thing on the road?”

    Defendant: “Ni@@er driving a pulpwood truck!”

    (actual exchange in NC court – Defendant charged with Drunk Driving)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Wouldn’t you think the first thing the wife would do is put on some clothes? Stupid all around.

    Twenty years seems a bit useless. If they had made a lighter sentence with a huge disability fine/payment, they could have at least gotten some money out of the idiot, as compensation.

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