Truckers in People’s Convoy sue D.C., say road blockades violated constitutional free speech rights – IOTW Report

Truckers in People’s Convoy sue D.C., say road blockades violated constitutional free speech rights

Just The News-

Sixteen truckers who participated in the recent People’s Convoy in the county’s capitol region are suing the District of Columbia for blockades they argue prevented them from exercising their “constitutionally protected right to free speech” on the streets of Washington, D.C.

The civil case was filed Monday in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia and argues the plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights were violated, according to the news website DCist.

The truckers came from across the country to protest what they called the government’s “continued state of emergency declaration and COVID-19 related policies.”

Their effort was similar to an earlier one in Canada. The U.S. truckers also wanted to honor 13 military members who died in Afghanistan during the withdrawal from the country last summer, DCist also reports.

The plaintiffs are seeking a jury trial. The D.C. Attorney’s General Office has declined to comment.


5 Comments on Truckers in People’s Convoy sue D.C., say road blockades violated constitutional free speech rights

  1. Back in the last century, when Freaknik plagued the streets of Atlanta for the first time, the city was apathetic, incompetent and completely caught off guard by the massive influx of traffic onto city streets. Many locals got caught in the mess and had their plans ruined or worse.

    Next time Freaknik came to town, the city and the cops were better prepared. They blocked off key streets, shunted traffic away from gathering points andcpatrolled aggressively. Naturally, the Freaknik crowd whined bitterly about all of this, maybe even sued, but they chose to take their aggravating mob elsewhere after that.

    I feel bad for the truckers, but they got into a situation where the authorities could exercise control and did so effectively. That is one reason I stay out of cities whenever possible. The authorities can have complete control and domination when and where they want to. You are playing into their hand when you stampede into their corral.

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