Oooh, you made Jussie mad!

Eh. Never mind.
Wa Ex: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the country would “not rest” until Iran was held accountable for shooting down a civilian airliner.
“I had a chance to sit with some of the families of the victims,” the prime minister said Saturday at a press conference. “They’re hurt, angry, and grieving. They want answers. They want justice. What Iran has admitted to is very serious. Shooting down a civilian aircraft is horrific. Iran must take full responsibility. Canada will not rest until we get the accountability, justice, and closure that the families deserve.” read more
Go on over and smack those mullahs around a bit, Justin.😂
Oh man, is he gonna whip out a red crayon and draw a line? 😧
Empty words are the hallmark of progressivism. To concede sincerity to a progressive is naive in the extreme.
Dear Mr. Shitstain on my country,
What exactly are you/we going to do about it?
What exactly do you consider accountability considering you liberal government and policies harbour MANY murderous terrorists in “OUR” country?
How will this affect your younger brothers employment opportunities with the current Iranian regime that he allegedly contracts for?
How will you achieve this accountability considering that you/we historically cannot/will not do anything significant to help endangered Canadians abroad such as the 2 Canadians falsely being held by China?
Finally, since you routinely PISS OFF President Trump, what pressure can you bring to bear?
P.S. Say Hello to Omar Khadr for me will you.
Also, The new beard really makes you look tough now.
Great move.
If they cut this turd into squares he’d be a Homosectional.
Poor widdo Fideldo. Spent last few days in his onesie drinking hot chocolate.
…well, he can pretend to be Black, let’s see if he can pretend to be a man.
…have a feeling his President Trump impersonation will be even LESS convincing…
Looks like that walking eyebrow moved down to his neck and proliferated.
Arms out straight forward use wrists only and slapitty slap slap. That i’ll show em justine.
Would he be just as concerned if they were native born white people? I doubt it.
…if Justin was to try to take on Iran around us, it would go something like this…
“3. In the mean time Antiochus Epiphanes (21) came to the city, having with him a considerable number of other armed men; and a band called the Macedonian band about him: all of the same age: tall, and just past their childhood: armed, and instructed after the Macedonian manner; whence it was that they took that name. Yet were many of them unworthy of so famous a nation. For it had so happened, that the King of Commagene had flourished more than any other Kings that were under the power of the Romans, till a change happened in his condition: and when he was become an old man he declared plainly, that we ought not to call any man happy before he be dead. But this son of his, who was then come thither before his father was decaying, said that “he could not but wonder what made the Romans so tardy in making their attacks upon the wall.” Now he was a warlike man, and naturally bold in exposing himself to dangers. He was also so strong a man, that his boldness seldom failed of having success. Upon this Titus smiled, and said, “He would share the pains of an attack with him.” However Antiochus went, as he then was, and with his Macedonians made a sudden assault upon the wall. And indeed, for his own part, his strength, and his skill were so great, that he guarded himself from the Jewish darts, and yet shot his darts at them. While yet the young men with him were almost all sorely galled. For they had so great a regard to the promises that had been made of their courage, that they would needs persevere in their fighting; and at length many of them retired, but not till they were wounded. And then they perceived that true Macedonians, if they were to be conquerors, must have Alexander’s good fortune also.”
-Josephus, “The Jewish War”, Book V, ch.11, pp.3
…all show, no go, this guy…
“…Canada will not rest until we get the accountability, justice, and closure that the families deserve…”
That’s a laugh-er. Ask the families of those left to be murdered at the embassy in Benghazi how much accountability and justice left-wing liberal politicians really want.
Besides, Justin is about as manly as little Barry, and strikes just as much fear in the hearts of his adversaries
Mr. Tru-doh, your time to emulate Trump has passed.
… and a strongly-worded letter to follow!
izlamo delenda est …
…hey, look! Justin chose to send his #message to Iran both in Blackface AND pretending to be a man…
Just don’t damage that nice Louis Vuitton tote when you smack those mullahs around Justine!
just so you know justin, if you enter the military and they go out on night maneuvers, you get to wear black face!
saddle up
Question: Why are 63 Canadians going to Iran?
…maybe the Iranian mullahs just don’t understand that they gave your fweewings an owwie, Justin, perhaps you should go over there with some milk and cookies and your favorwate bwankee and snuggle up to them to explain it in your best kumbaya voice, I’m sure they’re just like you and will apologize, ESPECIALLY if you tell them you’re a homosexual, they like that, g’head, we’ll watch…
…and, if they DON’T understand and throw you off a building before stoning you and beheading your corpse prior to dragging it around the streets, Justin, well, make SURE that the rest of Canada understands that it’s just their culture and it’s JUST as good as anyone ELSE’S, and they’re not to do ANYTHING, even get any part of your body back, because it might offend such shy and sensitive souls and be all racist and stuff too, or something….
‘ Also, The new beard really makes you look tough now.”
He has a new wife? I hadn’t heard. 😉
…look at his (black)face, he’s trying to think of a way to blame Trump as we speak so he can get back to schmoozing his Ummah already…
If the circus still featured freaks, trudueau could get work as the bearded lady.
Trudeau and obama are the only 2 men in public life who could pull it off.
…here’s some video of Justin at the gates of Tehran…
…maybe don’t let your so-called “citizens” aid and abet religiously genocidal megalomaniacs in the middle of a war zone AND an incipient revolution next time, asshole, and you won’t have to DEAL with crap like this…
Hit ’em with a wet noodle, Trudeau.
“I had a chance to sit with some of the families of the victims,”
I believe the key words here are… “chance to sit…”
Pert and sassy Justine is in a snit because Iran deep-sixed some of those high maintenance and expensive third world sh*t-hole Muslims he worked so hard to recruit into his frozen sanctuary dominion, eh!
Uh oh. Is Justin being a racist now? I didn’t know he was Islamophobic! Bwahhaaahhaa…..
Trudy doesn’t have the balls to protect Canada. Pretty sure he’s already gone to our magnificent President Trump, wimpering and asking for forgiveness. Queen Elizabeth can’t help because she’s too busy cleaning up the Harry/Meghan fiasco. Once again, the United States of America to the rescue.
Justins last phone conversation w/Gen Saleimani was that he was so excited to tell him he had grown a beard, which the good general confessed to saying he loved the way it would tickle his nut sack, and the next trip he was bringing his other butt buddy-head of the Iraqi militias-with him for their meeting. Justin’s next call was to inform the general’s second in command that the good general was going to include him in their 4some, to be further discussed when Saleimani landed on Friday in Iraq. Our ace USA Intelligence dept overheard these conversations, plans were made and Saleimani was scraped off the road and sent home in a box, his militia leader just scraped up and disposed of, the conversation of the good 2nd in command general leaked to the Ayatollah, who was pissed he wasn’t invited to Justin’s chin party, and blew out of the sky the plane the general was taking.A good week for USA and Justin loses out on goat shagging muslim slime on his chin from all. Sad……….
Justine Turdeau of the sparkly little pink sox and lack of man spread just about covers his ability to do anything constructive