Trudeau Demands Crypto Wallet Info & Company Tells Him To Eat Sh!t – IOTW Report

Trudeau Demands Crypto Wallet Info & Company Tells Him To Eat Sh!t

The Salty Cracker has the story.
*Some salty language.

10 Comments on Trudeau Demands Crypto Wallet Info & Company Tells Him To Eat Sh!t

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion this little bitch is not really calling the shots. Isn’t it NATOs job to intercede and prevent whats been going on in Communist Canada. You stupid fucking Cans should have never given up your guns. The final battle will occur here on U.S. soil.

  2. Turdeau is taking orders from Klaus Schwab that axe murdering looking Globalist scumbag pedo.

    Canada is the Experiment with a population that is smaller than England, France, Germany, & USA.
    Practice in Canada with the little puppet, perfect technique & implement elsewhere, leaving the USA for last in a final unified effort.

    Its in plain sight. Australia is only 25 Million people & they have always been easier to control than the rest, The literal prisoners are now the jail guards.

  3. @Brad February 20, 2022 at 10:46 pm

    > The final battle will occur here on U.S. soil.

    As long as you define “here” as “U.S. soil”, there will be no battle. First, final, otherwise. Only surrender. With dignity.


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