Trudeau heckled by Indigenous protestors in Kamloops – IOTW Report

Trudeau heckled by Indigenous protestors in Kamloops


On Monday, Trudeau was in Kamloops to attend a ceremony marking the anniversary of the discovery of hundreds of suspected unmarked graves on the site of a former residential school.

At one point after the event, Trudeau was greeted by protestors, who had less than favourable things to say to him.

Video shows Trudeau exiting the powwow arbor, surrounded by a crowd of people including journalists, security, and protestors.

As he passes the protestors, a man repeatedly shouts, “Take your disrespect out of our tribe!” while others play traditional drums and sing. more

8 Comments on Trudeau heckled by Indigenous protestors in Kamloops

  1. “…while others play traditional drums and sing.” why is it if I were to beat on a Pearl drum kit and a Zildjian hi-hat to the beat of “The Trooper” by Iron Maiden, that the media would NOT report it as the “traditional drums and songs of my people”?

    …althogh I may start going to Democrat rallies with my bagpipes just to SEE if the media reports it that way when I’m beaten and arrested, even though I’m a Native American by definition if not blood since I was, in fact, born in America which makes me NATIVE to it, and the pipes ARE the traditional instruments of my Scots heritage great grandparents…

  2. …and I refuse to take anything that happens in a place called Kamloops seriously.

    That just sounds like a name that they’d come up with for a sequel to the movie version of “A Wrinkle In Time”, and ONE movie with a gigantic Oprah Winfrey pretending to be a powerful goddess is PLENTY, so just keep that name to yourself so no one gets any ideas…

  3. @Cheryl. Shouldn’t we await solid evidence?

    FTA: The Kamloops “discovery” of 2021 created a major sensation in Canada and abroad. Based on the preliminary assessment and before any remains were found or any credible report made, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately referred to “a dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history.

    To date, no bodies have been found. This is Canada’s George Floyd moment. Yes, let’s protest, burn, riot and loot based not on evidence, but a “feeling or “knowing”.

  4. ^^^^^

    It is a beautiful place. It is an overnight stop on a Rocky Mounteneer Train from Vancouver to Calgary. Wife called it “Cantalopes”.

    The place got well known for trout fishing.

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