Trudeau Just Killed the Quebec Liberals’ 2018 Election – IOTW Report

Trudeau Just Killed the Quebec Liberals’ 2018 Election

CFP: During a recent speech in Saint-Jean-sur- Richelieu Prime Minister Trudeau publicly verbally bashed an elderly female Quebec senior. This brave woman had the temerity to ask Trudeau, when will his government pay back the $146 million dollars of Quebec taxpayer money that have been incurred to support Trudeau’s illegal immigrants who have entered Quebec illegally across the Quebec border from the United States.

Trudeau’s public shaming of this French Canadian woman and the physical manhandling of this senior citizen by Trudeau’s security detail (see RCMP plainclothes goons), were all captured on video, distributed on Twitter and covered extensively by the Quebec mainstream press. The result. Trudeau’s actions have driven the final nail in the Quebec Liberals’ chances for re-election in this upcoming October 1 provincial election.

Currently with about five weeks to go, the Quebec opposition party CAQ ( Coalition Avenir Quebec) is cruising to a majority government with the support of about 41% of French Quebecers ( vs 25% French Quebecers for the Liberals) holding a seven point lead overall- over the Liberals.

Philippe Couillard, the Quebec Liberal leader, had hoped that CAQ missteps during the actual election campaign would close the gap.

Instead, Couillard has to deal with his own Liberal federal leader botching and befouling the Liberal brand in Quebec.

Notwithstanding a buoyant Quebec economy, Legault’s CAQ surged ahead of the Liberals last summer, in part as a result of the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants into Quebec which placed a heavy burden on services in Montreal. Many illegal migrants had to be temporarily housed in the former Olympic stadium.  more here

9 Comments on Trudeau Just Killed the Quebec Liberals’ 2018 Election

  1. Another inexperienced socialist narcissist leading another Western country to ruin. I had hoped Canadians would have learned from Obama’s failures and the damage he did to the US.

    Obviously not.

  2. What’s with liberals and their inability to hear all the words that make up a sentence?

    Lady: ILLEGAL immigration
    Trudeau: Your lack of intolerance for immigrants will not bla blah bla

    and the crowd goes nuts for Trudeau. Not so sure liberals are on the way out given that reaction.

  3. I’m so focused on what is going on here, my Canadian political knowledge is confused at best. But there seems little can be done to persuade fools and idiots if there is no convincing them. You’d think they would have been paying attention to the sad state of affairs in the U.S. under oblowme.

  4. 146M ? Here in America our federal govt.
    extracts 300B a year to pay for 11M {really 20M}
    illegals plus many Americans have to give up
    their life and their loved ones lives too…


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