Trudeau Liberals melt down over Tucker Carlson’s visit to Canada – IOTW Report

Trudeau Liberals melt down over Tucker Carlson’s visit to Canada

[Tucker Carlson’s speech.]

CFP: Tucker Carlson’s two stop tour of Alberta rustled a few feathers within the Liberal Party, with many, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, dropping his name as the Caucus met in Ottawa on Thursday.

The pack of politicians criticized Carlson for what he said on stage, with Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault even going so far as to suggest that the former Fox News host and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s calling him out amounted to an “incite[ment] of violence.”  More

11 Comments on Trudeau Liberals melt down over Tucker Carlson’s visit to Canada

  1. There is nothing wrong with “differences of opinion, …”

    … so long as it is the left differing with the right; …

    … however, the right differing with the left is “inciting violence.”

    John Lennon

  2. Criticism exposes the vacuity of the “liberal” positions.

    Globaloney/Climate Change is a scam – a means of plunder – and they KNOW it.
    The CoVid/Vax is a scam – a means to genocide AND plunder – and they KNOW it.
    All forms of socialism (izlam, Nazi-ism, communism, progressivism, &c.) are scams – means to power AND plunder.
    Trans-whateverism is a scam – a means to control AND plunder – and the annihilation of the souls and DNA sequences of those unfortunate enough/dumb enough to fall under its spell.

    None of them can withstand scrutiny – so no scrutiny is allowable.

    Satanism cannot permit closer looks.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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