Trudeau Minister Apologizes For Saying Immigrants Are Better At Creating Jobs – IOTW Report

Trudeau Minister Apologizes For Saying Immigrants Are Better At Creating Jobs

DC: The veterans affairs minister in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet apologized Sunday for saying immigrants “are better at creating new businesses and new jobs than people born in Canada.”

After being pummeled on social media all day, Seamus O’Regan confessed: “Well, that was foolish…Poor choice of words on my part…I met last week with an entrepreneur who rightly felt put out by what I’d said.”  more

8 Comments on Trudeau Minister Apologizes For Saying Immigrants Are Better At Creating Jobs

  1. Correction: “are better at creating new businesses and new jobs than people stunned into regulatory compliance by the educational system & regulatory bureaucracy in Canada.”

  2. It’s probably because I only speak Canadian as a second language. But, how is “Poor choice of words on my part” an “apology”. I can’t even understand it as a “correction”. (Maybe somebody can Quebecois it for me. Goolag doesn’t have a “translate Canadian to American” function.)

  3. The lying SOB knew exactly what he was saying. This wasn’t a poor choice of words and the only reason he said this today was because somebody in the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) looked at the social media and spent taxpayer money on a quick poll and wet their pants at the results. The Conservatives need to launch to call for a non-confidence vote in the House. It would fail but it would force the media to begin to report on the incredible screw-ups that Trudeau and his gang have committed.

  4. I’ve been to Canada many times. The last couple of times have been less fun. I have found I no longer need to visit there socialist country. American Border guards are part of the problem. I know they have a job to do, but as a citizen, I am appalled at their demeanor. I took a chance last time I was there and barked back. I was sent on my merry way. Common sense alludes some of these cretins.

  5. As Kali Refugee in Texas indicated, native-born Canadians follow the law because they are watched closely to be sure they follow the law. Immigrants don’t follow the law and nothing happens to them unless they do something egregious.


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