Trudeau moves to implement ‘national freeze’ on handgun sales across Canada – IOTW Report

Trudeau moves to implement ‘national freeze’ on handgun sales across Canada

“What this means is that it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada,”

23 Comments on Trudeau moves to implement ‘national freeze’ on handgun sales across Canada

  1. “Canadians certainly don’t need assault-style weapons that were designed to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. ”

    …althogh they may wish for them when the RCMP starts lining them up for the trains…

  2. Fuck Trudeau, Fuck liberals and Fuck their desire to “Control Guns”.

    I am a Conservative, I am an American and I totally support the Constitution of The United States which coincidently includes the relentless belief and support of the FIRST and SECOND Amendment.

    If that doesn’t work for you….FUCK OFF and move to China.

  3. With out doubt we now have a commie running a country on our northern border.
    We did not know how far he would go but now we know,next they will go door to door to take your guns. Fresh back from Davos and now this, they are really ramping it up.
    He has his orders and he is following them.
    Canada is lost unless the people stand up, and we are next.
    The writing is on the wall for us also.
    What does gender based violence even mean, I mean we are all one gender or another are they killing more guys than gals.

  4. People of Canada,
    Rise up and take this f*ck wad faggot out by any means necessary!
    As well as anyone who tries to stop you!

    We will be watching and probably joining you all to soon

  5. So, two years ago he banned “assault-style” weapons, and yet “gun violence continued to increase”, so of course he will now double-down on stupid. His father would be proud.

  6. I have two hand guns,aren’t they all hand guns?
    I also have two long guns.
    When my friends come up to the cottage for beer and bbq we take the guns out and shoot at paper targets.
    Is there a problem with this
    I live in Canada.
    And should also mention all my friends coming up and shooting paper targets are fully licensed gun owners, wich is quite the feat in Canada.

  7. When does that fool in the WH decide to do the same thing. On a little side note, When Trump won the presidency, land owners adjacent to my property asked if I wanted to buy their property. It wasn’t a lot of land and in my price range so I said sure. They moved to Canada and wanted to sell cheap. I’m still laughing.


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