Trudeau must go! – IOTW Report

Trudeau must go!

Canada will not survive this idiot.

25 Comments on Trudeau must go!

  1. I remember this pathetic little worm at a few of the international leadership gatherings where he was completely cold shouldered by virtually everyone there. He began following Trump around like a stray puppy awkwardly trying to fit in.
    It was comedy gold!
    Just a punk trying to play with the big boys!

  2. He is French Canadian not Canadian. They Hate Canada. He is on record as a little punk saying “…because Quebec is just better.” (you Tube)

    Quebec used to be where most of Ontario’s strippers came from in the 80’s but then the Iron Curtain fell and those people did it better and cheaper with less of a shitty Accent.
    Quebec French is rough and crude, it is not the flowing French from France that gives you a half chub.

    My country is run By Assholes, for Assholes.
    When we run low we import more Assholes straight from Shit Holes.

  3. Kcir
    I always laughed when the Quebec French spoke down to our Acadian French here in Maine. “Pot…meet Kettle”.
    They really shouldn’t be out after dark.

  4. @Handy N Handsome

    I have friends who visit from France and Switzerland and they all tell me that Canadian French is quite difficult for them to understand. Their words, not mine.

  5. MJA: As I understand it, Quebec French is closer to the French of 200 years ago while France French has evolved. The situation is similar to English in the back woods of the Appalachians

  6. I don’t know about the frogs, but in some of these tiny ancient Ozark towns you hear many Celt, Gaelic, and Manx words.

    You lean over and ask, “What the fuck did he just say?”

    “I have no idea. I can’t understand shit he says, and I’ve known him 25 years.”

    “Is it English? Maybe some kind of ancient English?”

    “I honestly don’t know.”

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