Trudeau ordered 10 Vaccine injections for every Canadian – IOTW Report

Trudeau ordered 10 Vaccine injections for every Canadian

“Canada WINS every time there’s a shot.”

11 Comments on Trudeau ordered 10 Vaccine injections for every Canadian

  1. Trudeau ran away like any third world leader would have.

    Foolish Canadians need to question their fellow Canadians as to why they voted for that 10 ply pussy.

  2. Carry-the-one and the new vaccines amount to about a quarter of a percent of world GDP. That puts Vaccine Nation at about the #50 spot for world GDP ranking.

    No, they will never stop unless they are destroyed.

    – Ludite

  3. Justin is staying in Biden’s basement rent free until the scary truckers go away. I love the freedom convoy & what they stand for. The problem is not them, it is the ignorant people who vote for morons like Trudeau. Then, when the shit hits the fan & the voters have a chance to fix the situation, they vote another doofus into office. The cycle is on an endless loop.

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