Trudeau sends the Canadian military on a friendship mission to China — while Chinese military vets start a legion in Canada – IOTW Report

Trudeau sends the Canadian military on a friendship mission to China — while Chinese military vets start a legion in Canada

What’s going on?

Rebel News:

I give credit to the Globe & Mail for reporting this story.

Beijing says Canadian military participation at Chinese sports competition more proof it’s not losing global support

Right there that’s odd. “Beijing says”? Is that how we had to find out about this? The Canadian military is going over to China, to have fun, play some sports, like a mini Olympics, normalizing them, befriending them, giving them moral and political cover — even though they continue to hold two Canadian civilians hostage? And we’re going over there to play some games and have some beers with them?

“Beijing’s embassy in Canada says the fact the Canadian military just sent a “big delegation” to a sporting competition in China is more evidence the Asian power is not losing friends.”

So they’re bragging. They’re literally using Canada’s submission as proof that it’s doing just fine. read more

10 Comments on Trudeau sends the Canadian military on a friendship mission to China — while Chinese military vets start a legion in Canada

  1. The analogy is usually a “soft underbelly,” in that case, Mexico.

    But with Canada, we’ve got a “soft bosom.” BTW, their Navy is now almost non-existent.

    Hey Canada! Do you think Xi views you guys as a target? No?

    Think again, eh?

  2. Canada…while I recognize the regiment’s proud history in many wars, maybe it is time to think of a name change to Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

    I mean, it is a little bit gay, no? Maybe just a tad light in the loafers?

    I bet the homos in Vancouver are just dying to be accepted into the ranks.

    “Oh Bruth, I’m going to be a tholdier in the Printheth Patritha’s regiment.”

  3. Jimmy, they don’t view Canada as a target. They are buying it acre by acre and view it as a launching platform.

    Obama was devious and had a goal to dismantle American power & influence. Trudeau is too stupid to have a real plan. He is there to eat at the trough like a pig and be a figure head for the organized crime infiltrated Liberal party of Canada.

  4. What ^^^ he said. This is the Cuban Missile moment for USA. And the Stupid Party of Senators are not real firm on what’s best for USA and their States. Are elementary schoolers trained to duck and cover of any consequence if Daddy has a job provided from self-enrichment of the esteemed Senator? So proud they are of their concessions of culture to negotiate a deal….that real people living in the cultural created but their deeds are of zero consequence…..cause Daddy has a job provided by those self-enrichment benevolence.

  5. The Chinese are still crippling our pork and soybean crops as well as any other financial partnership deals or cooperative ventures we had with them over our arresting and detaining Huwai’s SVP of Finance upon receiving an extradition request from the US and this fuck Trudeau still grovels at their feet. Look closely at Trudeau the next time he speaks because I’ll bet that Singh’s (the leader of the New Democrat Party our version of the extreme left Democrats and Trudeau’s newest best friend in a coalition government} got his hand so far up Trudeaus, his new hand puppet, ass that when Trudeau talks you can see Singh’s fingers. Keep a damn close eye on your election because if it can happen up here……


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