Trudeau wants to let anyone with a driver’s license vote — like those 50,000 Syrian migrants – IOTW Report

Trudeau wants to let anyone with a driver’s license vote — like those 50,000 Syrian migrants

The Rebel: Justin Trudeau has introduced an extremely long and complicated new bill, called Bill C-76, to change our elections laws.

Here’s one key passage. Voters will require:

“…one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the elector and his or her name and address.”

Do you notice what’s missing there?

Being a citizen.

Have you ever had a cab driver who wasn’t a citizen? Well, he has a driver’s licence. Under these Liberal rules, he can vote. You can also get a health care card without being a citizen.  more

9 Comments on Trudeau wants to let anyone with a driver’s license vote — like those 50,000 Syrian migrants

  1. … maybe we should all get Canuck ID’s … that way we can all vote in Canada, by absentee ballot, & take over this Idiocracy!

    be careful what you wish for …. Mr. ‘Deep Thinker’

  2. You think those Syrians are gonna vote for YOU, Justin??

    You don’t have that spot on your forehead that says “I bump my head on the floor five times a day.”

  3. On one hand he’s complaining about invaders of the U.S. crossing the border, now becoming Canadian invaders, then he wants to give them DLs and bennies reserved for Canadian citizens.
    How is this any different from CA or Chicago?

    Build it and they will come!


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