Trudeau Will Decide Which Guns Are Too Dangerous – IOTW Report

Trudeau Will Decide Which Guns Are Too Dangerous

Trudeau will ban ‘some hunting rifles that are too dangerous in other contexts.’

@ryangerritsen· Trudeau’s interview airs tonight. This man sits in front of mounds of food while millions of Canadians can’t afford to eat. Multi-millionaire narcissists should not be in charge of anything. Zero self awareness. He must be voted out.

Justin trudeau royal-selfie blazing cat fur

17 Comments on Trudeau Will Decide Which Guns Are Too Dangerous

  1. Disabuse yourselves of the notion that Trudeau is anything except exactly what the Canuks want. Slaves need masters. Without masters they stumble around, lost, hungry, and alone with their disturbing thoughts.

    Germany supported Hitler right up until he ate rat poison.
    Russia (USSR) supported Staling right up until he stroked out.
    China supported Mao.
    France supported Napoleon.
    Rome supported Caesar (except for a few conspirators).

    Something to do with psychology.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “How many want to live in a country where only the government can guns?” -Wild Bill

    Oh, no, the criminals will still have guns. They’re just disarming the law-abiding citizens who will now be shot from two directions.

  3. He band a single shot .22 LR gun that kind of looks like a small flashlight. You have to screw off the end cap to load it……THERE IS ONLY ONE IN EXISTENCE!…….It was on Fox news last night….

  4. Multi-millionaires and Billionaires is the only group of people that benefited bigly from 2022. The worse the economy gets for everyone else, the better it is for them and the more detached from reality they become. This is why they are on TeeVee telling us how great 2022 was and how awesome Biden is. A prosperous economy for all is a threat, this is why they want you broke, dependent, drug addicted, desperate, confused and stupid.

  5. Tucker covered the Canadian ban of the “ButtMaster” assault weapon last night.

    Google: foxnewsw

    Click the first link.

    Click the Tucker link.

    Search for: master.

    Watch the video.

  6. Willy
    I think the little tyrants been having bad dreams about getting whacked by a patriot. He’s outlawing anything easily concealable and anything that will go 600 yards plus. And if anybody deserves it—–

  7. Airports are closed.
    Travellers Stranded.
    He took the National Jet to Jamaica for 1 week.
    (I wonder if he brought his “Emergency Black Face” Go Bag to entertain his hosts?)



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