Trudeau’s Campaign Slogan Sounds A Lot Like Obama’s – IOTW Report

Trudeau’s Campaign Slogan Sounds A Lot Like Obama’s

I think Jussie needs a little help picking a good slogan, don’t you?

Daily Caller: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who continues to try to out race the many scandals plaguing his reelection campaign, announced his Liberal Party’s platform and a new slogan Sunday: “Choose Forward.”

It sounds an awful lot like the “Forward” slogan used by former President Barack Obama in 2012 as he sought a second term in office.

Trudeau and Obama enjoyed a close relationship when their years in power intersected. Some media outlets even referred to it as a “bromance.” more here

15 Comments on Trudeau’s Campaign Slogan Sounds A Lot Like Obama’s

  1. That’s right, Trudeau, you phony. Even Killary’s little blue “H” with a red arrow (which pointed to the right, by the way), was memorable for just how stupid it was.

  2. Forward my ass!

    We used to build pipelines and manufacture things up here. Now we let pipelines rust unfinished and manufacture little social media peckerheads.

    A better slogan for Trudeau would be:


  3. Spend quality time with Canadian Forces. You’ll LOVE em! Smart, clever, efficient, dedicated, funny as hell. So it’s painful to see our brothers in arms having to be so embarrassed by a poofter girly man dweebier than Obama. Good gawd does that ever have to be humiliating.

  4. Judgeroybean:

    Imagine standing at attention while Trudeau inspects the troops. that must just suck.

    I was having a beer an American Officer who was temporary at the RMC (Royal Military College in Kingston and he said the same thing you did.


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