Trudeau’s gun ban now includes a .22 and a .410 – IOTW Report

Trudeau’s gun ban now includes a .22 and a .410

Rebel News: Screenshots from the RCMP website show that Canada’s Liberal government has banned a Brazilian -made .22 and a Turkish -made .410 shotgun in their recent gun grab.  

The proof of the inclusion of a small caliber sporting rifle and a birding shotgun in the Liberals’ reclassification of 1500 popular rifles and shotguns through an Order in Council was posted to Twitter by the account belonging to Canadian Coalition of Firearms Rights: 

“The RCMP continue to change the classification of more guns, including this .22 plinker and a .410 shotgun. These were NOT listed on the OIC. The FRT continues to change, adding more to the prohibited column. The government is moving the goalposts”.  more

25 Comments on Trudeau’s gun ban now includes a .22 and a .410

  1. Looks like Canada purchases it’s Law Enforcement Ammo from a foreign country. Be to bad if they were cut off. I mean in the interest of keeping the playing field fair and all.

  2. Are BB guns and CO2 powered air guns next? And then squirt guns, nerf guns and fingers shaped like guns pointed by a kid. And what about slingshots, rubber band guns, straws that shoot spitballs etc. What if you say BANG while making gun noises? Why don’t we just ban the offended and then everything would be hunky dory.

  3. Trudeau is a textbook example of what would happen if the US got rid of the Electoral College.

    Yes I know that Canada has a parliamentary system of government. Trudeau is a Member of Parliament and the head of the party that got the more people voted into Parliament than any other party in the last election. However, the Liberal Party won the last election in Ontario which includes Toronto. The Liberal Party did terribly in most of the rest of the country. Justin had a majority government his first term. He now has a minority government.

  4. “Are BB guns and CO2 powered air guns next? ”

    Hey, you could shoot your eye out with one of those things!

    FWIW, Canadians don’t need guns. There is no crime there and their politicians are honest and respectable people.

  5. Every year for the past 10 or so years i have had a group of friends come up to my cottage in northern Ontario to fish barbecue and shoot guns at targets.
    There is usually about 6 people with fire arm licences.
    The largest calibre we have is a .22,most are pellet guns above 400 fps.(Above 400 fps you need licence)
    To transport the guns to my place is illegal unless you have a hunting license or are going to a range.Needless to say, most of the transport rules are ignored. But we do have a good time.
    I now take you back to the mid 60’s when we used to ride our bikes down to the local river to hunt snakes,mice and other vermin with now “license only” guns strapped to our backs.
    What happened!

  6. geoff the aardvark @

    BB & Pellet guns are considered firearms and although anyone can own one (under 495 fps) without a permit or license it must be treated as a firearm & locked/ secured with a trigger lock when not in use.

    Above 495 fps – you need a license & safety course just like a 12 guage.

    I shit you not.

  7. @Alexb May 21, 2020 at 3:50 pm

    > What happened!

    Ask any “backward” imam to explain it to you. Without using the words “Mohammed” or “Allah”.

    (You’ll be unpleasantly surprised how easily they can.)

  8. Bad_Brad @

    I will when the kids are out of University and my parents have passed.
    Most likely to Alberts (a feer State) but still Canada

    I Co-Ordinate my Folding Knives with my Clothes.

    My Best:
    Spyderco Para Military 2 (4 different colors) – weekends/nite/ most often

    the rest:
    Benchmade 940 for dress/suit- smaller
    Benchmade Griptillian or Rift – on call work
    Buck 110 with sheath – during regular work hours
    Benchmade Adamas – – in the woods/ farm

    A man without tools is…..

  9. Different Tim @

    Go read the slingshot rules in Canada.

    Make sure you do not have a drink in your mouth near your computer when you do.

    Every one of those knives above are 100% US made with some very very good steels

  10. grayjohn @

    No! He is not gay. He just plays one on TV.

    He has Groped women before ( a reporter)and “remembered things differently that she did.” ( lefties gave him a pass)

    He left a private school in BC when he was teaching amid rumors, that are not confirmed, of a sexual nature with “someone” there. (teachers are allowed to date each other so student???)

    He is rumored to be separated from his wife and banging Minister of Economic Development & Official Languages – an unknown who suddenly was in front of the TV cameras quite a bit more than before. (she hates Alberta, oil, English)

    Turdeau has been living at the Prime Minister’s Cottage alone without wife & 3 kids)

    Not gay, but if you go by the rule of, “If you give just one BJ to another man…” he probably is a bit AC/DC.

  11. Kcir I bet the next time we come up to B.C. to go fishing they will look in our tackle box to check if we have barbed hooks. AA and I fly fish in the Cariboo region. You live in a beautiful country.
    Back in 1995 I let a friend take one of my shotguns through Canada on his way to Alaska, I don’t think I would even do that today.
    You guys are screwed.

  12. Geoff @

    You can easily bring shotguns & rifles with the right papers.

    Your papers, Zig Hiel!

    Just make sure he has a trigger lock, cased, unloaded at boarder.

    Without getting into too many details – Check on line at Bla Bla Bla . com GC. CA – I honestly do not care enough to look up the wen page.

    Make sure it has a Full stock and a barrel longer that 18 inches and you are most likely ok.

    NO AR-15 looking or sawed off Head Erasers.

    Canada is a great country that is currently under siege. Hopefully the Turd gets flushed but people are getting lazy staying at home and getting “free” short term money.

    Who knows where it will go???!!!

    Frankly, If I were you boys, fly right past BC and Give your money To the Alaskans. They are your direct Family, not cousins.


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