Trudeau’s Popularity Dropping As Conservatives Surge In Poll – IOTW Report

Trudeau’s Popularity Dropping As Conservatives Surge In Poll

DC:  A Forum Research poll released Sunday has the Conservative Party of Canada on the cusp of forming a majority government if an election were held today.

After a summer of outrage over giving $10.5 million to former terrorist Omar Khadr and growing anger over a proposed income tax grab, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a 47 percent disapproval rating, the new poll indicates.

The random sampling has the Conservatives with 39 percent support followed by the Liberals at 35 percent. The quasi-socialist New Democratic Party is way behind at 15 percent with splinter parties taking up the remainder of popular support.

It is the first time in exactly two years that the Conservative have led the Liberals. During the 2015 election, the Tories under then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper seemed poised to form another government until a late surge by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals overtook the Conservative Party.  MORE

8 Comments on Trudeau’s Popularity Dropping As Conservatives Surge In Poll

  1. To any Canadian friends the mantra I used for 8 years was “elections have consequences”.

    It is not a 100% cure but it will helps. Like having a bullet to bite on until the pain stops.

  2. “During the 2015 election, the Tories under then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper seemed poised to form another government until a late surge by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals overtook the Conservative Party.”

    Let me correct the wording on that: “During the 2015 election, the Tories under then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper seemed poised to form another government until a late push led by the taxpayer subsidized Canadian Broadcasting Corporation launched a major PR campaign to get Trudeau elected.”

    Oh, Trudeau has a majority government so he doesn’t have to worry about re-election for another three years unless his own party turns on him, the chances of which make “slim” and “none” look like sure bets.

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