True the Vote Wins Battle Against IRS… “shall be awarded maximum attorney fees” – IOTW Report

True the Vote Wins Battle Against IRS… “shall be awarded maximum attorney fees”


True the Vote, a nonpartisan conservative election integrity group that fought a nearly decade-long battle with the IRS and other federal agencies that unfairly targeted the group, has won a major decision in federal court and shall be awarded maximum attorney fees.

“This is a huge victory for every American who thinks that they can’t go up against the government and get what they deserve,” Catherine Engelbrecht, True the Vote’s founder, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview ahead of the group’s public announcement of the victory. “This is an opportunity to make very clear that we didn’t back away and, therefore, American citizens didn’t back away—and we won.”

Engelbrecht added in her interview with Breitbart News that she believes this victory for ordinary Americans against an overreaching and unfair federal government should be dedicated to Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart, who before he passed away in 2012, when the news was first breaking of these IRS malfeasances against conservatives, called Engelbrecht to express his support for her cause.

“It’s been on my heart. In so many ways, this is really a victory that should be dedicated to Andrew,” Engelbrecht said in a phone interview on Thursday morning. “When this all began, I got a call from Andrew, who knew that I was way out of my wheelhouse of expectation that a government could do what was already happening. Andrew stepped in and ran towards the fire on my behalf. the lessons learned in that, the willingness to just charge in because it was the right thing to do—truth has no agenda, right? He just said, ‘Let me be your rodeo clown. Let me go in front. Let me go in front.’ And in some ways, maybe True the Vote went in front for other organizations and citizens and for others who may be scared to speak out. It was a long battle, but we won.”

U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton ruled in favor of True the Vote in the case, and penalized the IRS for forcing the tax agency to pay maximum attorney’s fees due to the IRS’s discrimination against the conservative organization that stemmed from the Lois Lerner scandal during the Barack Obama administration all the way back in 2010. In addition to signing a 2018 consent order that included an IRS admission of wrongdoing, Judge Walton ruled last week that True the Vote was entitled to a “bad faith enhancement” to its requested attorney’s fees. In his opinion, Judge Walton wrote that there is “clear and convincing evidence necessary for a finding of bad faith on the part of” the IRS. As such, while the exact amount is still being worked out, True the Vote has requested the recovery of $1.9 million in attorney’s fees from the decades-long court battle. more here

16 Comments on True the Vote Wins Battle Against IRS… “shall be awarded maximum attorney fees”

  1. All she went through and the swine are only covering her lawyer’s fees? That’s bullshit, they owe her a whole hell of a lot more than that!

  2. Multiple IRS,FBI and ATF raids and what they offer is compensation for legal costs incurred?
    I hope she can pursue further recovery through a civil filing.

  3. Oh, great, and we taxpayers get to pay this judgement.
    Why not put the IRS employees that did this in prison instead? May cost the same, but at least they gonna feel the consequences.

  4. Yep, the weaponized federal government agencies use their clout to knowingly discriminate against conservative US Citizens and organizations.

    WHO pays the judgement?

    The US Tax paying citizens……..while the corrupt bureaucrats stay in their cushy government jobs are free to screw others.

    Yeah, that’s justice by the two tiered establishment judicial system.

  5. Burner gets it exactly. Why am I paying True the Vote anything? Sure, I commiserate, but it’s not my job to reimburse them. Garnish Lois Lerner’s retirement pay 90% for a hundred years.

  6. Isn’t this the woman who said “I am not your slave….” ? She gave a brilliant testimony to congress. Her words should have been chiseled on every gov’t building.

  7. Fuck you democrats… You cunts. Of course, this is way too fucking late to make a difference, and the cunt democrats in the IRS will just target them again next election.

  8. I don’t think there was any demotions, suspension, firings or any disciplinary actions at all at the IRS. Certainly Lois Lerner got to skate with a full pension even though it was obvious to all (she was noted in the Consent Decree where the IRS acknowledged its’ many faults and promised to do better) that she was up to her neck in this. Maybe her case deserves to be re-opened.

  9. The pension garnishment should start with Learner & continue all the way up the chain of command to Obama. Their job descriptions do not require them to break the law so they should be held responsible not the taxpayers.

  10. The offending individuals in the agencies should be pinpointed and forced to pay the fines and lawyers fees before anything is taken out of the public treasury.

  11. Tony R

    I will bet you DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER!

    Since I took out my wallet and have paid attention since ’89 I Do.

    tell me the bereft of morals lib who ordered her to go after Tea Party pacs!

  12. Arby That’s the truth!

    But I also feel that some of that money should be used to torture Lerner and company.
    Maybe hire someone to keep busting out their tail lights. Siphon their gas every Wednesday. Put their homes on sale on Craig’s list. Bribe someone to put them on FBI’s most wanted list. Give their phone numbers to Scientologists. Report their cars stolen. Pay off garbage men to not pick up their trash…

    I don’t know, get more ideas from the Left. LOL


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