Trump 9th Circuit Court nominee confirmed over Democrats’ objections – IOTW Report

Trump 9th Circuit Court nominee confirmed over Democrats’ objections

WATimes: Brushing aside Sen. Kamala D. Harris’ complaints, Senate Republicans on Tuesday approved a new judge for the federal appeals court with jurisdiction over California, further narrowing Democrats’ edge on the famously liberal court.

Daniel Bress was approved on a 53-45 vote, with Sens. Bernard Sanders of Vermont and Kirsten E. Gillibrand of New York not voting.

Ms. Harris and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California’s two Democratic senators, had complained that Mr. Bress was a Washington, D.C., lawyer who wouldn’t represent California’s interests on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. They said the seat he was filling should go to a Californian.

“We have an imported judge now coming into the 9th Circuit,” Ms. Feinstein said.

The two Democrats tried to use the Senate’s blue slip tradition, a courtesy to home-state senators, to block Mr. Bress. But Republicans have said they won’t let the blue slips be a veto over circuit nominees. more here

12 Comments on Trump 9th Circuit Court nominee confirmed over Democrats’ objections

  1. When every Senator votes his or her party you know that there is zero interest in the actual qualifications of the nominee.
    Well more realistically it is those who vote against confirmation who need to justify their vote, the assumption, although not always true, is that the nominee is qualified.

  2. unfortunately, Prez Trump has a long way to go to change the balance of the 9th Court so that there won’t be any more “legislating from the bench”

    But he’s made a darn good start….

  3. “They said the seat he was filling should go to a Californian.”

    The 9th has a lot more in it than just California but, from this statement, California seems to think it is the only one that counts.

  4. @MJA:

    Brushing aside Sen. Kamala D. Harris…

    Yeah, let’s keep doing that. She’s annoying.

    I’d like to see a movement to heckle her at her public appearances: multiple people attend and hold up signs that say


  5. “We have an imported judge now coming into the 9th Circuit,” Ms. Feinstein said.

    Since when did that matter? Thought y’all loved furiners, better yet, illegals.

  6. ANON

    “…California seems to think it is the only one that counts.”

    As a 11 generation Westerner I have always figured Cal was THE STATE!
    BEFORE ’90 THE CAL GOP WAS NOT A FAR LEFT/PROGRESSIVE SHOP! We actually had some conservatives “With scrambled egg on their hats” ; and got conservatives on the ballot! We Were the best. We had conservatives in high office sometimes and as a result from 1880 to 1983 had the highest living standard, not only in America, but in the world!

    We have always “been full of ourselves” and up to 40 years ago – totally justified!

    And if we run all the progressive/lefties “leading” the GOP out of the state; we will again g=be the best. I ADMIT THAT IF IS A VERY BIG IF!

  7. Filling the empty seats on the courts continues to be Trumps highest priority (apart from 2020 re-election that is). Don’t slow down, brush the Dems aside and disregard their bitching. Push, Push and Push some more.


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