Trump accuses McCain and Graham of ‘looking to start World War III’ – IOTW Report

Trump accuses McCain and Graham of ‘looking to start World War III’

WaEx: President Trump on Sunday accused John McCain and Lindsey Graham – two Republican senators he often clashes with — of “always looking to start World War III.”

“The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong – they are sadly weak on immigration,” Trump tweeted. “The two senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III.”

On Sunday, McCain and Graham, in a joint statement, condemned Trump’s recent executive action restricting immigration and refugees from certain Middle Eastern countries.

“Ultimately, we fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism,” McCain and Graham said.   more

SNIP: McCain and Miss Lindsey are worried that people who hate and want to kills us will be upset that we won’t allow them into the country to hate and kill us.

19 Comments on Trump accuses McCain and Graham of ‘looking to start World War III’

  1. they ridiculed him

    they said he wasn’t serious

    they called him a joke

    now he has kicked politicians to the side and is advancing changes at the speed of light, and they are freaking the hell out

    go trump, never slow down, the true colors of these lazy, low-energy all-talk, no-action types are being flown high for all to see

    trump is somebody who actually did something for a living, was hugely successful, and their vanity does not appreciate the disclosure of this stark contrast, the arrogant bastards

    i am finding great pleasure in all of this

  2. Sadly, both of these clowns have the yellow streak eyes that show lack of backbone and absent nerve to stand up.

    They are exactly what we rejected in selecting and voting for Mr. Trump.

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