Trump Addressed the Media Freak-Out Over Him Drinking Water and It’s Absolutely Hilarious – IOTW Report

Trump Addressed the Media Freak-Out Over Him Drinking Water and It’s Absolutely Hilarious

RedState: The President of the United States routinely manages to be funnier than most late night comics. I’m not sure if that’s an indictment of the current comedic environment or whether Trump should just do a bar tour once he leaves office.

Yesterday, the Trump rally in Tulsa happened, much to the chagrin of the media, who’ve spent weeks losing their minds about it now. Of course, if you have tens of thousands of people in New York protesting, it’s “different” according to people like CNN’s Martha Raddatz. But don’t you dare let those Republicans gather for something they care about.

One of the things addressed at the rally was an idiotic news cycle in which networks and newspapers spent days obsessing over how Trump walked down a ramp and drank water with two hands during a speech. MORE

17 Comments on Trump Addressed the Media Freak-Out Over Him Drinking Water and It’s Absolutely Hilarious

  1. President Trump could tie the Marx-Stream Media into knots for at least two weeks by attempting simultaneously to pat his head and rub his belly and failing. If he succeeded it wouldn’t make the news at all.

  2. How dare you Red State. We will get you banned on twitter and defunded on facebook, even if we we have to use a left-wing group to help prove you are racists!!
    Oops, that was NBC that did that. Well that doesn’t matter, we are all in this together

  3. I found this comment at wqth on the topic very interesting.
    “Elizabeth Carter
    June 21, 2020 at 00:53
    I found President Trump’s West Point story very interesting. He pulled us in and gave us a closer look at the sorts of things he has to consider that we would never even know had happened if he did not share it in “confidence” with us.
    He made the point that these sorts of things happen to him all the time and he has to keep in mind how it will be made to appear even if he doesn’t get caught in the trap. He then comes up with the best solution and a fallback position.
    This story makes it clear that we need to think about how traps are set for him and for us and how he deals with them.
    He made a “funny” story of it but it was deadly serious, even to the point of certain death, a cracked skull or a broken back if he fell wrong. In this case, the trap could have been an oversight, an attempt at making him look old and incompetent, or even attempted murder. I could almost hear the man offering to get a wheel chair for President Trump in order to pressure President Trump into taking the chance on the ramp. President Trump saw the trap before he ever set foot on it.
    As I was thinking about this, I realized that when President Trump was talking to the man who was accompanying him before he started down the ramp, their conversation was probably being recorded by the secret service. President Trump knew that and made a point of calling it to the attention of the man so that the man would be aware that if anything happened to President Trump the Secret Service was on notification. It also put the Secret Service on notice that the ramp was something they should have had fixed or found an alternative to before he had to walk down it when he was very hot and very tired from being on his feet so long. That was the whole point of the side story of having to hold the water glass with 2 hands. Maybe they were all hoping he would be so hot and tired that he wouldn’t notice the danger and would just go down the ramp. There have been several assassinations of Presidents that the Secret Service agents were complicit in arranging.
    The media was anticipating an event or how did they know to cut away for the last 10 feet? Why did President Trump make the point of running the last 10 feet? The danger would be equal at that point also. Did he know he was out of danger when the camera recording lights went off? He watches those lights closely and tells us that he does.
    Why did President Trump make a point of holding the water glass with 2 hands? Why did he say that Melania wanted to know why he took a drink? Why did he tell us that he saluted 600 times after holding the water glass with two hands? Why does Q say “Watch the water.”?
    Why did he take 2 swallows of the water tonight? Why did he throw the glass with water in it and break it after that? Was he making a point that he knew the water was poisoned both times and that he caught them both times?
    If this seems extreme, think about it this way; when so many people want to assassinate President Trump how has he managed to stay alive so long? He is a warrior. A warrior stays on high alert all the time. There are no small things. There are no coincidences. The smallest thing can mean life or death. If we know that many of the high ranking military want President Trump dead, then why wouldn’t he know that? I prayed for him because West Point seemed very dangerous to me. IMO, President Trump prays and is guided by the Holy Spirit or he would not have made it this far. I know I would not have made it this far and my life has been much less complicated than his.
    God Bless President Trump.
    God Bless America.

  4. @ Your Name Hare ^^^^^ You have inspired my creativity.

    Someone needs to use a video of Antifa and BLM but dub in banshee voices screaming “We are Marxist shitheads.”

  5. I think last night was one of 2 times I watched his entire speech.
    Not because I never wanted to before, but because I just don’t have the time between doing stuff around the house to listen attentively, or I was doing iotw research, etc. But last night, I was pissed off with blamtifa blocking entrances to the building, that I wanted to watch just so that my view would be added to the tally online. Well lemme tell you, it was a fun watch. He praised everyone he needed to and slapped those he needed to. And we got some humor in between. That thrown glass thing had me falling off the chair laughing. Just so unexpectedly funny.

    Why didn’t the media simply ASK the man why he drank water that way?
    He would have answered. But because they had to be assholes about it, he ended up mocking them with his answer. And this keeps happening. What idiots!


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