Trump Admin Launches Campaign to End Extended-Family Immigration into U.S. – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Launches Campaign to End Extended-Family Immigration into U.S.

BREITBART: President Donald Trump’s administration has launched a public campaign to push the Republican-controlled Congress to uphold the White House’s pro-American immigration agenda by ending extended-family immigration into the United States.

In a new campaign, the Trump administration is looking to educate the American public on the issue of mass, legal immigration while also pressuring Republicans in Congress—such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—to end the process by which new immigrants are currently allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives with them to the U.S.

This process, known more simply as “chain migration,” has imported more than 9 million foreign nationals to the U.S. just in the last decade, Breitbart News reportedREAD MORE

7 Comments on Trump Admin Launches Campaign to End Extended-Family Immigration into U.S.

  1. Establish nationwide tax policy. Institute additional tax program on a voluntary basis for those that would like more taxes put in the system and allow those taxes to be directed toward the program of choice. Lets see how many dems caugh up.

  2. How can we take “refugees” from allies.

    I know how one particular refugee inflow comes. Food processing companies, like Tyson chicken, are importing thousands of them and essentially replacing the people in small towns with Muzzloid hordes that outnumber them.

    And they are doing it with the help of One Worlder Establishment Republicans.

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