Trump admin moves to tighten food stamp rules – IOTW Report

Trump admin moves to tighten food stamp rules


The Trump administration announced a plan Thursday to tighten work requirements for work-eligible Americans on food stamps — a move the Department of Agriculture says will nudge those on welfare toward self-sufficiency.

The USDA announced that the rule, which will apply to able-bodied adults without dependents, will restrict the ability of states to exempt recipients from having to hold a job to receive the benefits.

Currently, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) must work 20 hours a week or enroll in job training to maintain benefits, after their first three months in the program. But states can waive the requirement if their unemployment rates are above 10 percent or they show a demonstrable lack of jobs. States can also grant extensions of benefits for 15 percent of work-eligible adults without a waiver, and if they don’t use that waiver, they can bank the exemptions for later.


14 Comments on Trump admin moves to tighten food stamp rules

  1. Tighten them??? Eliminate them. Every hungry kid has a parent with a pack of cigarettes in their pocket or crack in their pipe. We don’t need to subsidize bad choices.

  2. and make it inconvenient. Have them get in line to receive the stamps each month and go back to printing the stamps. No ebt cards. Plus like Lazlo and Joe said, basic food only.

  3. I was next in line to a woman who was complaining that toilet paper was not covered by EBT. Her logic was if the gubmint pays for food it should also pay to wipe off the by product. I just nod and smile these days. I’m too old to go to jail.

  4. Kudos to whomever came up with the idea of having grocery stores compete with each other by developing packages of approved food for EBT holders to purchase. Basics only, no luxuries. Getting tired of standing in line watching drug addicts, under the influence, using 4 or 5 different EBT cards to pay for luxury items I cannot afford.

  5. I can’t go to the grocery store anymore around the 1st of the month and look at the carts filled with absolute sh*t and then having to wait while “Ms. Four kids from 3 guys” tries to remember how to use her EBT card.

  6. I have watched many food stamp users buy tons of junk food with food stamps, but can’t bjuy soap or detergents. Craziness. Cleanliness has been next to Godliness forever. Not so for overweight junk food addicts.


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