Trump Admin Proposes Deportation of Immigrants on Welfare – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Proposes Deportation of Immigrants on Welfare

BLP: According to reports from CNBC, the Trump administration is considering a new policy to deport immigrants on welfare.

This is part of the administration’s plans to put the clamps on the migration of low-income people.

Although residents who are deemed as public charges can be deported in practice, it’s rarely ever applied.

The proposal in question would include immigrants who are on public benefits such as cash welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, or Medicaid.

According to The Daily Mail, U.S. law permits the deportation of immigrants who become “public charges” within five years of admission if their motivation for seeking public aid preceded their entrance to the U.S.

However, a 1948 ruling determined that the deportation of immigrants had to be limited to cases where the government required payment for public services, and the person failed to pay.

BLP covered how recent studies show that a substantial portion of recent migrants end up on public assistance, lending credence to Trump’s latest policy proposals.

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25 Comments on Trump Admin Proposes Deportation of Immigrants on Welfare

  1. I’d like to see the breakdown of percentages of LEGAL immigrants on public assistance and ILLEGAL immigrants on public assistance.

    Meanwhile, no immigrant, legal or illegal, should get ANY assistance whatsoever.

  2. “So let it be written;
    So let it be done.”

    WTF are we waiting for?

    Kinda odd, really, but I don’t have to form a committee or pass legislation to get rats and other parasites out of my house.
    Poison around the entrances, traps in the closets, and I crush them when I see them. Mouses, spiders, scorpions, moths, snakes, beetle bugs, … whatever!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Absolutely! They couldn’t survive in their own sh*thole countries without working. I hear Nanzi has some vineyards…she might like to hire some of these workers. NOTHING in life is free but the air that you breathe.

  4. Understatement of the year:

    “Several countries such as Sweden have seen migrant dependency on welfare lead to a certain degree of social upheaval in recent times.”

  5. There was a time, when my father and his family emigrated from Scotland in the early 1920s, that new arrivals were required to provide proof that they could support themselves or have a person already here guarantee their support. A cousin’s maternal family lied that one of their daughters was older so as to appear that she was of working age. Not one of them ended up on welfare or the Gov’t teat in any form.

  6. Candace Owens got yelled at yesterday for joking that Trump should maybe deport Ilhan Omar. But I’d be willing to bet Ilhan has family members here who are still on the dole after decades. So maybe Candace was onto something.

  7. Another term for deporting immigrants on welfare is “Common Fucking Sense”. JFC… Only a fucked up society run by total assholes imports poverty and incapable people.

  8. With all due respect, this coming from cnbc, is PDJT focusing on immigrants or illegal invaders? Just wondering…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. “Although residents who are deemed as public charges can be deported in practice, it’s rarely ever applied.”

    Maybe because in the past there haven’t been millions on top millions of them collecting welfare, beginning at their arrival in our country, like there are now.

  10. It’s the same everywhere – was just reading that over 80% of Somalis in Switzerland, SWITZERLAND, for God’s sake, are on public assistance.
    I thought the Swiss had very stringent rules about only admitting emigres with an established income, but I guess that’s only if you’re white.
    Fence them out or perish as a country.

  11. Back when the majority of American voters expected /demanded common sense governance, this idea would have already happened. Well, actually the need for it would have never been allowed to get started in the first place. The same idea as not allowing diseased people into the country.

    Just look at what happened to the original residents of this part of the world. They taught those Pilgrims how to feed themselves ( at least it wasn’t a handout), and the result – the culture and future ownership of the land changed. Now if they had sent them packing back to where they came from, well ….

  12. One place to get facts:

    Remember it is the US Congress that updated and made immigration laws that purposely aimed at bringing non-white, non-Christian, illiterate, unskilled, Muslim parasites into the country. Also a majority of Congress members are dual citizens, not pro-Christian ethics, and not American first loyalists. The undermining political agenda is to obliterate ethical/moral based American culture with destructive parasites who have NO loyalty to this country. Letting Islam gain political control is obviously just part of the agenda, along with purposely bringing in millions of illegals that are mainly young men of military ability and gang criminals. This is not by chance, but THE PLAN in action. Who hates the USA so much that destroying the country is the ultimate goal? And why would any President cooperate in doing it? And NOT fight back?


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