Trump Admin. Removes Time Consuming Barriers For Forest Service – IOTW Report

Trump Admin. Removes Time Consuming Barriers For Forest Service

OAN: The Trump administration is reportedly focusing in on new environmental plans. According to reports Thursday, the White House has finalized exemptions for the Forest Service to avoid time consuming regulations that limit logging, roads and pipeline efficiency.

President Trump has been a proponent of reduced regulations and streamlined processes throughout his time in office, noting these rules largely boost industries like the oil and gas sector. He has made strides in the last few years at attaining this goal. read more

4 Comments on Trump Admin. Removes Time Consuming Barriers For Forest Service

  1. I thought Trump was supposed to stop presidenting after the media threw the election to Biden. It is very inconsiderate to throw roadblocks like this in front of Biden before his anointment in January. He’ll just have to add it to his long Day One list of things to undo. He might not be able to call a lid on Jan 20 until after 9 am.

  2. Trump is doing a lot of things now that he’s likely a one term POTUS that he should’ve done in his first 100 days in office if not for his lack of understanding that virtually everyone he was dealing with in the White House, including that cunt Jared Kushner, was trying to fuck him over every which way they could.

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