Trump Admin Sanctions Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Sanctions Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program

WFB: The Trump administration announced on Wednesday that it is sanctioning several entities in connection with Iran’s ballistic missile program, which the U.S. intelligence community estimates could be used to carry nuclear weapons over great distances, according to an announcement by the Treasury Department.

New sanctions will be leveled on two senior Iranian defense officials, including one who “facilitated the sale of explosives and provided other support to Syria and the director of the organization responsible for Iran’s solid-fueled ballistic missile program,” according to an announcement by the Trump administration.

New sanctions also have been leveled on a Chinese-based network believed to be supporting Iran’s ballistic missile program via “millions of dollars’ worth of missile-applicable items.”  more here

6 Comments on Trump Admin Sanctions Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program

  1. The only “sanctions ” that will stop the Mullahs arrives at high speed, multiple warheads, aerial burst, and expressed in Kilotons.

    Their determination to destroy us ensures this will end in nukes.
    Ours now. Or theirs…soon.

  2. @TonyR, that nukes-for-contributions scandal prompted Capitol Steps to write “Secret Asian Man”. It’s on YouTube but I can’t post a link from my phone.

  3. The wording of that headline made my heart sink until actually looking at the article. I don’t need heart pills yet, but “Applied Sanctions” would have been much kinder to my aging ticker.

    Sanction – noun
    1.authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.
    2.something that serves to support an action, condition, etc.
    3.something that gives binding force, as to an oath, rule of conduct, etc.
    4.a provision of a law enacting a penalty for disobedience or a reward for.
    5.action by one or more states toward another state calculated to force it to comply with legal obligations.

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