Trump administration dumps another pro-Palestinian shibboleth – IOTW Report

Trump administration dumps another pro-Palestinian shibboleth

American Thinker: So far, there has been little reaction because the change came so quietly. But on Friday, the US State Department issued an important document that refused to conform to the previously mandatory language that paid lip service to political correctness’s Palestinian Division. The Times of Israel reports:

The US State Department released its annual report on human rights violations around the world on Friday, and there was at least one discernible difference from past reports: It no longer refers to the West Bank as “occupied.”

Whereas previous iterations of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices had a section on “Israel and the Occupied Territories,” this year’s document refers instead to “Israel, Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza.”

While not as visible as moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, this is still very significant. To use the language of Trump-haters, it is “normalizing” Israel’s hold on the lands it won in war – the way conquest, especially in defensive wars, works.   read more

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