Trump Administration Finds Historic Success Rescuing American Hostages – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Finds Historic Success Rescuing American Hostages


Bryan Nerren spent seven months detained in an Indian prison, unsure if or when he would see his family again. 

“The experience was horrific, very difficult,” said Nerren. “I was put in a cage, treated like the worst criminal in India.”

For 18 years, the small-town pastor from Shelbyville, Tenn., traveled to India and Nepal to spread the Gospel, cultivating a network of Christian communities across Southeast Asia. In 2019, he had amassed $40,000 for educational aid and anti-poverty efforts in Nepal. After a series of stops in India, government agents detained the pastor and his associates. They faced an eight-hour interrogation of “TV-horror quality” that focused on their faith. After lengthy negotiations, Nerren’s associates were released, but the pastor faced a seven-year prison sentence for smuggling and conversionism. 

Then the White House stepped in. A full-court press from President Donald Trump and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien secured Nerren’s freedom after negotiating with Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.

Nerren returned home to his family in May. 

“I am clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that had Donald Trump not been the president, I’d still be in India,” Nerren told the Washington Free Beacon. more

9 Comments on Trump Administration Finds Historic Success Rescuing American Hostages

  1. Whether President Trump serves one or two terms, we are going to miss him, and all the wonderful things he’s done for the American people and this great country we call home. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Merry Christmas, 🎄

  2. The man works tirelessly FOR the American people.
    I can’t say that for ANY democRAT (not one of which voted for tax cuts) or even a majority of today’s Republicans that cower behind Political Correctness or Chinese influence.
    There are some good ones… about a handful or so.

  3. indian prison?
    except for areas of big cities, india is a shithole. india has plenty of nice tourist sytes, and many people are honest and hard working. the thieves, cheats and liars make up for the decent people.
    I can imagine how bad the prisons are and how a person from America would be treated

  4. …well, it was fun why it lasted.

    …but now, all America will be held hostage.

    By Democrats for the foreseeable future.

    And no one’s coming to rescue US.

    A slave rebellion is our only hope.

    But most of our countrymen seem to LIKE their chains, and like OUR chains even BETTER…

  5. Less innocent human suffering, misery and death thanks to PRESIDENT Trump. Anyone still wonder why he is so hated by those who follow the progressive worldview?

    When you look at the progressive movement and the legacy it leaves EACH AND EVERY time the followers of that political philosophy achieve critical mass and gain power, there can be absolutely no doubt that those who follow that wicked and evil worldview are without ant sense of compassion, as the word was understood prior to them co opting and bastardizing it the way they have done with so much of the language.

    It could not be more obvious that these are not basically good, but mistaken, people at this point in history. Good people do not actively support such such an obviously diabolical worldview unless they are of such low intellect that they are not fit to care for themselves or insane.


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