Trump administration kills Obama’s SJW college rules – IOTW Report

Trump administration kills Obama’s SJW college rules

Liberty Nation: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has announced new proposed college regulations to protect the rights of students. The new rules are designed to ensure due process protections for students accused of sexual harassment and assault. If enacted, they will require schools to allow those who have been accused to have representatives question their accusers, a fundamental notion of due process the Obama administration worked hard to eliminate.

In September, DeVos announced the administration’s intention to scrap the existing federal regulations which were instituted by Obama and instate new ones consistent with honoring the rights of the accused. After announcing that good intentions alone were not enough, she said, “[s]urvivors, victims of a lack of due process and campus administrators have all told me that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved.”


Requiring schools to allow cross-examination is perhaps the most important change the new rules will institute, but there are several other important changes as well. Also included is a raising of the standard of evidence that accusations are required to meet from a preponderance of the evidence standard to the stricter clear and convincing requirement. Another reversal of Obama administration policy would mean harassment is only what is legally defined as such by the courts, rather than a standard which amounted to “anything that might offend any woman.”

Ari Cohen, a lawyer for the FIRE (Foundation for Equal Rights in Education), said in 2015:

“Title IX is being turned into a Swiss army knife that can be used by colleges and universities to justify (and provide political cover for) virtually any academic or institutional policy even tangentially related to sex or gender.”

By weaponizing his Office for Civil Rights, President Obama “encouraged” schools to remove protections for accused students via a directive that threatened the very existence of the institutions themselves – revocation of federal funds if they did not obey. By increasing the behaviors included in what is defined as sexual harassment, combined with lowering the burden of proof against accused students, Obama used his pen and phone to unilaterally slash the rights of the accused on college campuses.  read more

9 Comments on Trump administration kills Obama’s SJW college rules

  1. Why that was allowed to go on as long as it did is a disgrace. How many lives ruined in the meantime?
    Furthermore how about punishment meted out to those who level false accusations.

  2. When the press spins this as another “anti-woman” move by the trump Administration, I hope they throw it back in their face as just giving college students the same “due process” as they now have to give Jim Acosta.

  3. The Obama undo button must be about worn out. Other than Obamacare, his existence appears to have never happened. Except for the cash we lost to the antisemites in Iran, the freedom that of both Beau Bergdahl and Bradley Manning. Of course, Obama did parachute into Pakistan to personally kill his cousin, Osama bin Obama.

  4. This is not going to go over well. Third wave feminists are not going to take kindly to having to actually prove that there has been some transgression and that due process has been observed before they are free to vent their hysterical rage on the first target they come across.

  5. As a splinter survivor, I think the right needs to take back the language. Unless you experienced something that could have resulted in your death, the use of the word “survivor” is an insult–an insult to cancer survivors, battlefield survivors, and death camp survivors. You may have been a victim of sexual assault, but you are not a sexual assault “survivor.”

  6. I don’t think we will ever be free of the harm of obamination! Bastard!

    Thank God for President Trump. Now get busy and clean that swamp of the overgrown weeds, first before January.


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