WASHINGTON (AP) — Transgender students on Wednesday lost federal protections that allowed them to use school bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identities, as the Trump administration stepped into a long-simmering national debate.

The administration came down on the side of states’ rights, lifting Obama-era federal guidelines that had been characterized by Republicans as an example of overreach.

Without the Obama directive, it will be up to states and school districts to interpret federal anti-discrimination law and determine whether students should have access to restrooms in accordance with their expressed gender identity and not just their biological sex.  more


  1. Putting aside the real fears that pedophiles or perverts would take advantage of permission to enter a girls/womens bathroom or shower, the underlying push was to force children to accept the notion that simply declaring one is a woman or a man despite one’s genital or DNA proof denies this is normal and acceptable.
    Children were the targets of this directive. Other people’s children, not the children of the elites who demanded this action.
    Of all the things that humans must do, bathroom activities should always be a private affair, not be subject to government regulations.

  2. I was at my wife’s work recently when I went to use the restroom. I walked in, took a whiz, washed my hands, fixed my hair, then walked out back to the car. Did the same thing about an hour later. I drink lots of water. It’s fun.

    As I’m walking back to the car the second time I am struck with raw FEAR of what I just did. The first time I had used the restroom I had walked into the WOMEN’S restroom and used it! I remember thinking to myself at the time, “There’s no urinals in here. Only stalls.” But I had to wee so bad I wasn’t paying attention to the signs (every store is a little different in terms of where the men’s and women’s restrooms are) and was only thinking, “I don’t think I’m gonna make it!” And there was a woman in one of the stalls when I was in there. Imagine her shock and horror when she heard me just unload a John Kerry horse piss two doors down! I told my wife what I did and said if I would’ve been approached by management I would have said that I temporarily identified as a woman.

  3. I thought this was initially enacted because of the gender confusion of Barack and Moochelle. Now they won’t know where to piss, but who to piss on won’t be a point of confusion.

  4. trans-mentally ill do not have federal special class protection, that is just a lie obola’s political DOJ and mental DOE repeated over and over until the weak minded thought it was true.

    There is going to have to be a Supremes decision on whether trans are really included in the protected class legislation. If they are allowed to belong in a federally designated protected class they will invade everything. EVERYTHING. Am I making myself clear?

    This is going to be the Supremes’ ruling that either makes or breaks this country, It’s that important. Children will be thrown to the lions if they make the wrong ruling.

    OTOH the obola has been throwing Christians to the lions for the past 8 years. It’s not right.

  5. Like someone said in Dianny’s Paris is ruined thread, the poster was putting down the French surrender monkeys because they are not fighting back. If red blooded Americans surrender on trans-mentally ill federal or even state special class protection we might as well call ourselves the worst surrender monkeys on the planet.

    I have been in a running battle with my county school board, not bragging, but this is now purely a local fight. Get off your duffs and do something.

  6. What this decision demonstrates is how far down the toilet our country was after eight years of Islamic Socialism. The fact that these outrageous federal guidelines were even debated as being acceptable in many communities and state legislatures, shows how far the Leftist have moved this country in the name of “equality and human rights.” I can remember when even mentioning something like this would been the end of any politician’s career. I believe that this nonsense turned out a lot of voters for Trump, so thank you for that Otrannyman!

  7. What gets me is the local news media ALWAYS takes the pervert/liberal side. Why? What do they have to gain? What would local broadcaster Jane Doe do if I went to her station and followed her into the bathroom? Why do they think this is such an important issue?

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