Trump Administration Revokes California’s Ability to Set Its Emissions Standards – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Revokes California’s Ability to Set Its Emissions Standards

Ooooh, right in the FACE!

Epoch Times:

President Donald Trump announced that his administration is revoking a waiver that allows California to set its own greenhouse gas and vehicle fuel-efficiency limits for passenger cars.

Trump said on Sept. 18 that the administration’s move could “produce far less expensive cars for the consumer,” while also making cars safer.

“This will lead to more production because of this pricing and safety advantage, and also due to the fact that older, highly polluting cars, will be replaced by new, extremely environmentally friendly cars. There will be very little difference in emissions between the California standard and the new U.S. standard, but the cars will be far safer and much less expensive,” he said.

“Many more cars will be produced under the new and uniform standard, meaning significantly more JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Automakers should seize this opportunity because without this alternative to California, you will be out of business,” he added.

The White House plans to issue a separate rule to roll back Obama-era fuel efficiency standards. read more

20 Comments on Trump Administration Revokes California’s Ability to Set Its Emissions Standards

  1. I have noticed my tired 2004 2.4L v4 Honda with 220k miles manages to leave everyone in a cloud behind me off the line about 95% of the time and I don’t even try; barely hit 3500 RPM. And it’s LEV. Must be those new pesky emissions in the past 1.5 decade. Hence it doesn’t get sold and won’t get sold until something catastrophic goes wrong with it.

  2. Just one more thing estab repubz have been fretting about for years, then suddenly, Trump wades right in and schlongs it. Yeah, I know….feral judges and squeal appeals. But Trump is wearing them out, too

  3. My ’73 Beetle. I’m still in collections for that motherfucker.

    Blow me.


    “Blow me.”


    “I don’t have a fucking MD license. Been gone.”

  4. This is great news, and just in the nick of time. Your “progressive” (socialist) states like Oregon, like to reference California emissions laws when setting their own. A shot across the bow. KAG!

  5. You send them scores of e-mails, and talk to clowns on the telephone.

    “I no longer reside in MD. Since May 28, 2017.”

    “You didn’t smog test your exempt carburettor shit!”

    “I was exempt. And furthermore, and to the point, I was… I, I fucking did not live in MD. My tax shit bears witness. My DL in MO bears witness.”

    Even 2 years later I can’t get free of MD.

  6. my sixteen year old dodge diesel has only PCV for emission controls. none of that dpf or cats or electronic crap that fails for any reason you could dream up. it just runs fine and does the job I bought it for.It’s a truck. not a car. I don’t use it as a car. I use it as a truck. I have a twenty one year old lincoln mark eight that I use as a car. It’s like a quiet and comfortable mustang with room for four in roomy comfort. lots of parts in the salvage yard. runs fine. always passes the high altitude emissions tests. Ignorant millionaire libtard colorado governor who never worked a day in it’s entire life decided we should use cals emissions standards. did we see new car prices go up? certainly. did used car prices go up? yes. am I going to buy a new car under those rules? not.
    I do not understand liberal millionaires who dabble in socialist politics and try to prevent other people from becoming wealthy as they are. It could be that the libtard socialist scumbags inherited all their money from robber baron parents. they could also just be robber barons themselves hiding behind the facade of being liberal socialist scumbags dabbling in politics. like democrats. Hmmm. may be onto something there…

  7. Read the history of the Hoover Dam. The introduction of diesel trucks and their use in the tunnels SAVED lives! The exhaust from the gasoline trucks killed people. Diesel does not.
    Needless to say, we’ve come a looong way since then, but the principle is still the same. The danger today is what someone who’s job depends on how loud they can scream “The sky is falling!”


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