Trump Administration Stops Lowering Standards for Police, Firefighters – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Stops Lowering Standards for Police, Firefighters

President Donald J. Trump declared an end to lower standards in the name of discriminatory “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives — and the Trump Administration continues to make good on that commitment to prioritize merit, not divisive race-based obsessions, in hiring.

 Yesterday, Attorney General Pam Bondi announced the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismissed several Biden-era lawsuits against police and fire departments who used race-neutral mechanisms — such as standard aptitude tests, physical exams, and credit checks — in their hiring processes, the result of which lowered standards and endangered public safety.

DISMISSED: United States v. City of Durham (North Carolina)
The Biden DOJ alleged discrimination because entry-level firefighter applicants were required to pass a written exam. The city was required to provide compensation and preferential hiring to applicants who were not hired.

DISMISSED: United States v. Maryland State Police
The Biden DOJ alleged discrimination because applicants were required to pass a written exam and basic physical exam. The agency was required to provide compensation and retroactive seniority to applicants who were not hired.

DISMISSED: United States v. Cobb County (Georgia)
The Biden DOJ alleged discrimination because firefighter applicants were required to complete a written exam and credit check. The county was required to provide compensation and preferential hiring to applicants who were not hired.

DISMISSED: United States v. City of South Bend (Indiana)
The Biden DOJ alleged discrimination because police applicants were required to pass a written exam and basic physical exam.

Americans deserve the best of the best keeping them safe — and in the Trump Administration, anything less is unacceptable.

5 Comments on Trump Administration Stops Lowering Standards for Police, Firefighters

  1. A continuing problem for those job fields (and many others) is the dramatic lowering of academic standards in the public schools. It is really hard to find people who can properly express themselves, either in writing or speech. What good is a merit-based hiring protocol if hardly anyone can pass it?

  2. I could completely and totally end 100% of DEI in government hiring immediately.

    End qualified immunity for any elected or appointed official at any agency that has used other qualifications than those that identify THE MOST most qualified applicant.

    The ONLY thing that will stop their shit cold is if it affects them personally. They couldn’t care less if it does not affect them. Progressive/Marxist/Satanists have absolutely no capacity for consideration for anyone else.


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