Trump Administration to Restrict Planned Parenthood Family Planning Funds – IOTW Report

Trump Administration to Restrict Planned Parenthood Family Planning Funds

Breitbart: The Trump administration is expected to announce Friday a proposed rule to cut family planning funding from abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood that promote abortion and refer women for the procedure as a method of family planning.

The new regulations would prevent abortion vendors from operating a family planning program in facilities geared toward ending life and would make abortion counseling optional – not required – while they would not allow for abortion referral.

According to the executive action, Planned Parenthood and other abortion vendors would lose the funding they have been receiving under Title X, a program that provides about $260 million annually in federal funding for birth control and other services that are categorized as “family planning” – if they continue to perform abortions and refer women for abortion as a means of family planning. Those funds are to be redirected to other facilities that provide more comprehensive healthcare services.

“The proposal would require a bright line of physical as well as financial separation between Title X programs and any program (or facility) where abortion is performed, supported, or referred for as a method of family planning,” a Trump administration official reportedly told the Weekly Standard in advance of the announcement.

The administration’s executive action is in keeping with a 1988 Reagan rule that ended past practices of allowing Title X to fund programs that existed at the same location as abortion clinics, referred women for abortions, and that lobbied for abortion rights – all as long as taxpayer monies were not directly funding abortions.

When the Reagan administration clamped down on the fuzzy line between providing taxpayer funding for birth control and promoting abortion, the rule was challenged in court. Ultimately, the Supreme Court upheld the regulation, 5-4, in Rust v. Sullivan. By the time the case was decided, however, the Clinton administration had moved into D.C. and rescinded the Reagan rule. The George W. Bush administration never launched an effort to reinstate it.

13 Comments on Trump Administration to Restrict Planned Parenthood Family Planning Funds

  1. I have always wondered in one of the murdered babies could have grown out and as, perhaps, a researcher scientist for a cure for many chronic, fatal disease. IT IS POSSIBLE.

  2. Is it safe to say, that had abortion been not so prevalent, many young, black, unmarried women would have kept their babies, and young black men would have become married and fathers in the home, instead of accepting as normal the ability to shirk their family responsibility? What kind of culture would have that brought to the inner city?

  3. Federal government should not be in the business of handing taxpayer dollars to private organizations, period.
    Especially an organization that spends tens of millions of dollars per year on political campaigning.
    A private organization should have to prove its value every day, and when it does, those who support it will contribute out of their own pockets. And if it does not provide value then it fails.

  4. Since most baby mammas and baby daddys do not have to pay for the execution of their baby, they do not take measures to prevent the pregnancy. With the Federal government cutting funding, maybe those careless couples will think about $3 a month birth control pills or .25 cent condoms.

  5. @Burner May 18, 2018 at 1:11 pm

    > young black men would have become married and fathers in the home, instead of accepting as normal the ability to shirk their family responsibility?

    Saying black men — not all men, but only “black” men — are intellectually inferior, is not racist, at all.


  6. moloch and democrat campaign coffers hardest hit.

    how long would planned parent hood last if it had to rely only on private democrat donations ?

    @ anymouse, there is only the human race, black colored skin does not make a race.

  7. DAN

    RIGHT! As the conservative President before Don said in the ’82 SOTU, “the government will never be able to solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!”!
    Were Federal spending at the level it was in ’01 Americans’s living standard would be much higher!

  8. bill MAY 18, 2018 AT 2:30 PM
    moloch and democrat campaign coffers hardest hit.

    how long would planned parent hood last if it had to rely only on private democrat donations ?

    @ anymouse, there is only the human race, black colored skin does not make a race.

    Hey Bill, that was anonymous not anymouse…

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