Trump administration will allow doctors to practice across state lines to address pandemic – IOTW Report

Trump administration will allow doctors to practice across state lines to address pandemic

WaEx: The Department of Health and Human Services will permit all medical care providers to practice across state lines, regardless of their state license, to treat more coronavirus patients.

Vice President Mike Pence announced the new regulation Wednesday “to meet the need of hospitals that may arise in adjoining areas.”

Normally, healthcare professionals must hold licenses in practice in certain states. Without the proper licensing, doctors cannot meet with patients or perform procedures outside of those states. read more

10 Comments on Trump administration will allow doctors to practice across state lines to address pandemic

  1. @Joe6pak:

    That’s been a sore spot with me for a long time. There’s no down-side. Rates would drop and coverage would increase. The dems would go nuts as it would push single payer further off the table.

  2. Really hopeful that this pandemic will lead to a lot of legislative improvement, and decrease of Big Government.
    I think peoples’ eyes are being opened as to the downside of oversized bureaucracies, and the innovation and initiative of the private sector.

  3. Kaiser doctors have challenged Humana doctors to a cage match to see who represents the defending champion (Blue Cross/Blue Shield doctors) vs Medicare….the winner will be allowed free rate increases and government sponsored hospitals….The VA doctors had to withdraw from the contest because of the corona virus/ agent orange previous payout….Medicare supplementals have gone to the Cayman islands for further training and research as the next cage match ensues….They are currently the “JV” team of Obama care….

  4. That is a nice effort for Trump, but the Feds have no authority over doctor credentials. This is governed by the state medical boards and the malpractice companies.

    Once again, this is a minor illness as illnesses go. The transmission rate is one in ten thousand and mortality is 1% or less. This illness does not deserve the major reaction world wide. Then some body is manipulating the stock market by short selling and others are pushing the panic button on social media. MSN has gone crazy and making this into a major crisis when there is no reason. The negative reaction to Trump is obviously geared to cause as much harm as possible and to hell with the damage it might cause. The price of oil is being manipulated, price war between Russia and SA, I don’t believe.

    It is almost like we are at war.

  5. “{Really hopeful that this pandemic will lead to a lot of legislative improvement, and decrease of Big Government.”

    You can be hopeful about that, but you should expect the opposite.

  6. “Trump administration will allow doctors to practice across state lines”
    Now do pistol permits and the right to carry. My crappy state of Corupt-icut has zero reciprocity with other states.


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