Trump After Meeting with Rod Rosenstein: Democrats Colluded with Russia – IOTW Report

Trump After Meeting with Rod Rosenstein: Democrats Colluded with Russia

Breitbart: President Donald Trump struck a positive tone on the special counsel investigation after meeting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Monday, telling reporters he believed he would be treated “very fairly” and that “Democrats colluded with Russia.”

“I think we’ll be treated very fairly. Everybody understands there was no collusion. There’s no Russia. It was all made up by the Democrats. They’re the ones that colluded with Russia. The Democrats colluded with Russia. And, frankly, the previous administration didn’t do anything about Russia when they knew that they should have,” he told reporters.

Rosenstein, who is overseeing the special counsel investigation, flew with Trump aboard Air Force One to an event in Orlando, Florida, earlier in the day.

Last year, the House Intelligence Committee forced Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias to admit that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded the Fusion GPS dossier that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The dossier, authored by ex-British spy Christopher Steele, was largely based on paid anonymous Russian sources.  read more 

11 Comments on Trump After Meeting with Rod Rosenstein: Democrats Colluded with Russia

  1. Beware of the cop or prosecutor who agrees with you – they may be trying to gain your confidence and then trick you into revealing info you didn’t want known.

    I don’t trust “Chicklets” Rosenstein very far.

  2. Hold your friends close. Hold your enemies closer.

    Keep this in mind: Our stable genius of a president built skyscrapers while having to navigate corrupt unions, corrupt city officials and, often, hostile land use activists. He knows their Achille’s heel.

    I just wish the dance wouldn’t take so long.

  3. @Lady in Red – I have the same twitch. The Kavanaugh milestone has been reached and the SCOTUS is at a full no-ties nine, so now’s the time for any major move pre-mid-terms.

    (I say “milestone” because the liberserkers aren’t done, not by a long shot.)

  4. Haley’s resignation is a kick in the pants, as ole Pops would say.

    If that’s one “strangeness” for the week, will the occurrences come in threes? ….Lady in Red


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