Trump | Afterburner with Bill Whittle – IOTW Report

Trump | Afterburner with Bill Whittle

bill whittle trump video

^ Video here ^

h/t Dianny @ Patriot Retort.

39 Comments on Trump | Afterburner with Bill Whittle

  1. He blew up his whole thesis @1:52 mark when he says that he would rather vote 3rd party than vote for Jeb! or the Jersey Jabba. Kind of ruins his point that we are a family and need to defeat the real enemy.

  2. Very good, except for picking Lincoln as an example at the end.
    Lincoln was very good with words, but his deeds belied them, almost to the point of ruination for this country.
    Or, was that his point?

  3. @john S: Please, not another “The civil war was about states rights” argument. The country was being pulled apart long before Lincoln was elected. And slavery was the reason.

  4. Well there finally had to be an AfterBurner that I didn’t like.

    Let me say that it’s a 2 way street Bill. You spent the entire video telling us about Trump’s “faults” but nary a mention about Cruz and some of his double dealing swarimness. I have huge problems with him but will cast my vote his way should he win.

    The fact is if we don’t get a handle on the 30 million illegals here, build a wall to keep out another 30 million and move to stop this idiotic moslim invasion, all the promises about imminent domain are going to mean shit. These are all policies that Trump has boldly addressed with solutions. Cruz OTOH, despite entering the race 6 months before Trump, didn’t say squat about a wall, his H1-B problem, or his amnesty stance.

    Further your assertion that the federal government should return the land it holds back to the states not only isn’t such a sound idea but some of the states have said they don’t want the land back because of crippling maintenance costs that can run into the 100s of millions/yearly. I like our National Forests. They could loosen up some logging and mining regs though.

  5. I LOVE BIl Whittle but there’s a few points that he’s off in this veiled anti-Trump video.
    “I’m not nearly arrogant enough or stupid enough to try to get any of you to change your vote one way or another” and then you go on to try influence a vote by criticizing Trump and ONLY Trump.

    Trump’s statement on health care was years ago.
    Do we hold Ted Cruz’s feet to the fire on HIS VOTES on Immigration?
    The Tea Party Movement FAILED – we have ObamaCare because of the FAILURE of Conservatives. They have the POWER of the PURSE and they FUNDED OBamaCare.

    #1 – if we have PRINCIPLED Republican/CONSERVATIVE Congress and the Senate you are NOT going to get Government funded Universal Health Care. Trump is campaigning on REPEALING oBamaCare NOT replacing it with Government funded Universal HealthCare. So STOP the BULLSHIT!

    #2 – Eminent domain – distorted facts have muddied up Trump’s position on Eminent domain. Cruz’s own FALSE ad that a woman had her house BULLDOZED for a parking lot is BULLSHIT. She was offered MILLIONS of dollars for her property – and she has the right to reject any offer. SHE DID NOT GER HER PROPERTY TAKEN AWAY from her. The HOUSE still stands TODAY.

    #3 – Trump IS NOT the MESSIAH – but NEITHER is CRUZ. Cruz IS NOT the CHAMPION of the CONSTITUTION. Where is the criticism of the fervor of unconditional support for CRUZ?

    #4 – Bill Whittle FURTHERS the MISQUOTE of Trump’s “claim” to shooting someone on 5th avenue, etc… Trump NEVER CLAIMED IT! Trump said “THEY SAY I can shoot somebody…” So that is more than DISINGENUOUS on Bill Whittle’s part. Hee’s doing what the LEFT did to Sarah Palin with the “I can see Russia from my house” – SHAMEFUL and IRRESPONSIBLE on Whittle’s part.

    #5 – Who are you to criticize and question the “utter fawning adulation” enthusiasm WORSHIPPING for Donald Trump? Do the same for Cruz!

    We heard PROMISES from the elected Conservatives for years – Trump leads because those promises are never kept!

    Trump is my F.U. vote and if I get a WALL and ILLEGALS are deported, I’m a happy American. If we get the same old bullshit, I’m a beaten patriot – not because of Trump. Because of all the so-called “Conservatives” that keep jerking us around.

  6. “The Tea Party Movement FAILED – we have ObamaCare because of the FAILURE of Conservatives. They have the POWER of the PURSE and they FUNDED OBamaCare.”

    I’ll respectfully disagree.

    The Tea Party didn’t have the power of the purse – the Republicans elected failed to do their job because people voted “the most electable” of the candidates in to office and many of those who were elected don’t have any basic conservative principles.

    We have ObamaCare because of the failure of Republicans to act with the authority granted to them under the Constitution. That isn’t the fault of the Tea Party movement.

    Ultimately, it is our own fault as the electorate because we just have become too apathetic and morally ambiguous – our chosen leaders are direct evidence of this.

  7. This is the most difficult vote I will cast in my lifetime (a good thing). One small example: Kelo is a major source of heartburn for me and close to a knock out punch. But, if we do not have control of our borders and immigration we will not have a country for my little girl to grow up in, and then Kelo is a mute point.

    So, the decision for me is who do I think is most likely to get a handle on stopping immigration so we don’t balkanize (minimally) and/or move towards armed conflict. Trump is leading the charge there, but man does he give me heartburn.

    I am glad I have more time to consider.

  8. Those two citizens are “RINOS,” “Rockefeller Republicans,” or “Progressives” as they are generally known. Hillary, Bernie, JEB!, and Marco: Same-same. I’ll vote for Cruz, Trump, or Zombie Reagan.

    Third party, followed by the cartridge box thereafter, if the GOPe is successful foisting their “candidate” upon the electorate.

  9. good points mr whittle & elegantly expressed. one point you missed is that if same same
    continues, we will be no more. we’ve have had a coup d’ etat . lincoln sure didn’t hire the butcher,
    Grant, to seek angels. he hired him to annihilate the enemy.

  10. Suspension of habeas corpus, followed by Johnson’s reconstruction, led to our current leviathan.

    Had Lincoln survived to serve a second term, things may have been different. We will never know (make a great alt history story, though).

  11. with all due respect, I don’t think that’s what he meant. Lincoln was a great man with words, but in governing he stomped all over the rights of the people as granted in the constitution … suspending habeas corpus, throwing governors in jail, because of their political views, even banishing them because they sympathized with the South. he created a huge war machine with a mountain of graft that carried on throughout the Grant administration … & there’s more … lots more

  12. I agree with anon; the primary cause of the war was the economic ‘war’ waged by the north against the antebellum south. “Slavery” was a great PR moral high ground for the north.

    It is also a great meme to use against the left whenever the race card is in play.

  13. The Tea Party, Inc. failed big time last week with NR’s anti-trump issue. Please, Bill Whittle, don’t tell us you’re on the Tea Party, Inc.’s gravy train!

    The tea party (lower case) is doing just fine — ask ’em, you’ll find us all at Trump rallies or working for his campaign in one form or another. See, the tea party never went away. Donald J. Trump is the tea party. The tea party could never accomplish in a million years what Trump has done in seven months. We tried, but all we got were a lot of smooth-talking people who were told by their more senior colleagues to go along or move along. The real tea party doesn’t have a structure, no dues, no permanent meeting places. But if it had an official flag it would be Gadsden’s “Don’t Tread On Me.”

  14. Please take this into consideration when you DO decide:
    I agree with you on “immigration/borders/sovereignty.”

    I’m the same way with you as far as “heartburn”

    TRUMP – eminent domain
    as well as
    CRUZ – Trans Pacific Trade Deal (TPP)

    I consider TPP to be to “other side of the same coin as the “immigration/borders”, stuff, since the TPP includes MUCH more international “control” over the USA than anything the NAFTA deal ever did. In effect, it wipes out our sovereignty, making us beholden and LIABLE to other countries in ways never before.

    So, in the same way immigration weakens us as a nation, so does TPP…and guess who voted to support parts of it and made sure the US Constitution was turned on its head, requiring 2/3 to REJECT rather than APPROVE it? CRUZ.*

    That’s why I support Trump.

    * Elected November 2012
    * Took office January 2013
    * Fought ObamaCare February to Sept 2013

    * October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.
    * January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.
    * March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.
    * June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniel in *Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.
    * July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.
    * December ’14 Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.
    * Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested, TPP trade deal.
    * April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan
    * May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby insuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.
    * May ’15 Becomes first candidate to announce presidential bid.
    * June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (cover) even though the rider he created insures its passage.

  15. It would be nice if our National Forests were ours but that isn’t the case. They belong to the Federal government which decides who can go there, where they can go and what they can do when they get there.

    And those crippling maintenance costs. Is that a joke? The land managed to maintain itself adequately for 4.5 billion years. Now it costs billions of taxpayer dollars to do what. There is a fine example locally of the Pork Service spending about a million dollars to fill a wetland and build a new headquarters. I’m sure the fact that there isn’t a National Park within a 100 miles was taken into consideration.

  16. My God, it should go without saying that voting for Trump or Cruz is light-years better than that GD, rotten old bitch the Hillbag, or the dirty, old Commie Bernie Firckin Sanders!!
    Other Republican candidates as well are far, far better, with exception of Jeb, so who ever is the candidate on the Republican side, I’m voting for them… with or without a clothes-pin!!

  17. Molon read me correctly.
    Lincoln used his office to punish his enemies in a way that Obama would had he more courage. Locking everyone but Republicans out of congress, freeing the southern slaves but not the northern ones, Sherman’s march where he attacked citizen noncombatants for the crime of being in the wrong state, the things he did approach the unimaginable.
    He forced the civil war by kicking the Democrats out and denying them the right to petition their grievances.
    While speaking eloquently about cooperation and a united country he was tearing it in half for his own political gain.

  18. Good grief. Here I was all happy to see MJA’s post and especially coming from Bill Whittle who is without a doubt one of the most keenly brilliant minds of the conservative movement…and you all are dumping on him. He’s trying to make peace and come to some consensus and you kids want to fight. F**K!!!, perhaps we get what we deserve after all…GAAH and sheesh – you dummies!

  19. I bailed out of the video at about 1:30 when he said something to the effect that he has an intrinsic trust of the American electorate.
    Nov 2008 and Nov 2012 utterly destroys the idea that the electorate deserves any respect.

    The shallow ,brainless morons that put Obama in the WH twice are still here and are being reinforced by even stupider voters.

    This is all Kabuki that is a time wasting distraction.

    The Republic is over thanks to our neglect and foolishness as citizens over the past 50 plus years.

    it’s just a matter of every man for himself to survive the disintegrating the coming years.


    Gregory Carlin

    People are not passionate, they see Trump as a cancer patient sees Chemotherapy. Risking the poison in order to kill the cancer. I am not American, yet here is how I understand the issue: This is probably the last American election. By importing millions of welfare-addicted people, the Democrats will seal their victory for generations. This is Western Civilization’s last decade, both in Europe and in the States. English people are minorities in their own capital, German women are raped in public, and the world is plunging into chaos. The legacy of Athens and Jerusalem is being erased, and an overwhelmed, outbred, and drained population is trying to fight back.
    Here is the sad truth: Trump is Western civilization’s swan song. The last, desperate cry of a once noble and complex beast. My Yankee friends, desperation is always crude, and brutal……Kinda like Trump

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