Trump Aides Advised to Get Guns, Carry Permits amid Threat of Violence – IOTW Report

Trump Aides Advised to Get Guns, Carry Permits amid Threat of Violence


Aides to President Donald Trump are being advised to get guns and carry permits amid a growing threat of violence following comments by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and others.

NBC News quoted Waters speaking to reporters over the weekend, saying, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”  more

15 Comments on Trump Aides Advised to Get Guns, Carry Permits amid Threat of Violence

  1. This hag with her ‘start a crowd’ baloney is going to get someone killed.
    I put no stickers on my car, and wear my Trump Hat away from crowds. I don’t look for trouble, but as John Wayne said: “I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a-hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”
    Lazlo now carries The Judge
    I call it the ‘Mess-Maker’

  2. I’ve never owned a gun, I do support the second amendment. I am nor seriously considering applying for a concealed gun permit. The vast number of deranged democrats are beginning to scare me. If that deranged woman who owns The Red Hen stalked me as she did Sarah Sanders. I would pull the gun, not shoot, but suggest she go home to a mental ward.

  3. Anonymous JUNE 28, 2018 AT 10:26 AM
    Who expected the Left could be so stupid?

    Everyone here…

    Anonymous JUNE 28, 2018 AT 11:24 AM
    I’ve never owned a gun, I do support the second amendment. I am nor seriously considering applying for a concealed gun permit. The vast number of deranged democrats are beginning to scare me. If that deranged woman who owns The Red Hen stalked me as she did Sarah Sanders. I would pull the gun, not shoot, but suggest she go home to a mental ward.

    You NEVER pull a weapon without the intent to fire as soon as you’re on target. Without the training and a better understanding it might be suggested that you continue not owning… Brandishing is not what is suggested by any trainers that I’ve ever known. Last choice when carrying is pulling the weapon… Long rant omitted…

  4. If you don’t like to carry a gun (yet) against these feckless fools, you can always carry a non lethal heavy walking stick and/or cudgel. No deaths, but it still gets the point across that you’re not to be trifled with.


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