Trump, amid combative start, pledges to rise to moment – IOTW Report

Trump, amid combative start, pledges to rise to moment

WASHINGTON (AP) — After a combative start to his presidency, Donald Trump delivered a more unifying message Sunday and sought to reassure Americans he was up to the daunting task ahead, as he turned to the business of government.

Speaking in the White House East Room during a swearing-in ceremony for top aides, the president warned his staff of future challenges but declared he believed they were ready.

“But with the faith in each other and the faith in God, we will get the job done,” the president said. “We will prove worthy of this moment in history. And I think it may very well be a great moment in history.”

Trump’s reassurance came after a day marked by global protests against his presidency and his own complaints about media coverage of his inauguration. He said his staff was in the White House not to “help ourselves” but to “devote ourselves to the national good.”

Trump held up the letter left to him by his predecessor, Barack Obama — a White House tradition. “It was really very nice of him to do that,” Trump said. “We will cherish that.” He said the contents will remain private.

4 Comments on Trump, amid combative start, pledges to rise to moment

  1. The desperation the left displays only enhances the ‘rightness’ of President Trump.

    Media hacks are busy weaving their webs of deceit. President Trump has insulted both the media and self-inflated congressional hacks, by rising above their smallness on the huge wave of Americans, who are beside themselves with joy at the shackles of liberalism, being cast off.

    Lie about crowds? Who the hell are you going to believe? The media that shows us only what they want us to see. Think back to the live coverage: Remember what you saw when the cameras ‘accident KY’ panned the crowds. The media was so busy trying to puff up the professional protestors, that sometimes they’d slip and show the crowd.

    Recluse spiders have more credibility than the MSM or turncoat, divisive congressional members, like McCain and Graham. Those two are so pathetic, they stink.

  2. Watching Chuck Clod try to hammer Kellyanne Conway over the crowd size was pathetic. When she rightly brought up the attempt of the press to smear them by saying the MLK bust was removed from the Oval Office, Clod yelling out “They corrected the mistake.”

    But the damage was done by the time the “mistake” was corrected. This will be the new attack plan of the fake press. Put out fake news, let it spread like wild fire, then issue the correction. By then all the crap sites (HuffPoo, Daily Gross, Politpoo, etc) will have already disseminated the false story, their brain-less sheep will tweet and FB it out to everybody to make the memes with. By the time the correction is issued millions are already engaged in promoting the fake news so the damage is done.

    “Even if he didn’t do it, you know he was thinking about it!” – Mindless Millenial.

    Of course they already do it, but I think this tactic will be vamped up over the next 4 years.

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