Trump and Boris Johnson: Let’s hear it for the disruptors! – IOTW Report

Trump and Boris Johnson: Let’s hear it for the disruptors!

American Thinker:

By Lee Cohen

The knives are out for the two world leaders who have done more than any other in recent memory to advance not only their own nations’ security and prosperity, but global stability.  Yesterday, the Democrat House majority impeached Donald Trump on spite and hatred alone.  In Britain, one day after last week’s Tory landslide, protesters were out with signs proclaiming, “Defy Tory [Conservative] Rule” and “Refugees Welcome.”

There is no denying that the two most powerful leaders of the free world, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, are disruptors, and that is among the chief assets for fueling their respective successes.

President Trump’s first term has been a roaring success.  The accomplishment list is long: four million new jobs, record unemployment, including among minorities, significant tax cuts, policies that have neutralized terrorists and hold accountable deadbeat nations that refuse to pay their share for global security.  Perhaps most significant, Mr. Trump alone among American presidents has initiated foreign and trade policies that have left our global adversaries reeling.

For his part, Boris Johnson steered one of the greatest electoral victories in the U.K. of the last two centuries and, in the process has in effect changed the political landscape.  Only Boris was able to gather the margins necessary to move forward to decisively deliver the U.K.’s departure from the E.U. in January.  Whether one was for this momentous event or not, stagnation was a cancer for Britons and Europeans alike.  Because of a convergence of factors, not least of which were Johnson’s own promotional abilities and the unpopularity and unsuitability of his chief rival, Jeremy Corbyn, Boris united voters across classes, geographies, and ideologies, a truly Herculean task. read more

6 Comments on Trump and Boris Johnson: Let’s hear it for the disruptors!

  1. One of the smartest things Trump could do (no doubt he knows this and has been working on it in the periphery) is to get a favorable trade deal presented to the UK immediately. This would go a long way to soothing the ruffled feathers of the old school mercantilists there who worry about the EU cutting them out of further negotiations.

    One possible fly in the ointment is this;

    Even large piles of cash sent to the family are not going to make this go away.

    You can bet that sending that shitweasel Jeremy Corbyn to the trash heap of irrelevance sent shivers up the spines of all of our socialists running for president. Scurry away now while you still have a chance.

  2. It isn’t really Boris and Trump that are the real successes of the story, it’s the people that voted for them and put them there.

    The Left doesn’t even come close to understanding what that means.

  3. It will be their reduction of government influence that truly makes our countries – and eventually the world – a better place to live. We have seen what a battle that is, to remove people entrenched in cushy, powerful government jobs.


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