Trump and Johnson Already Talking Trade Deals for Post-Brexit – IOTW Report

Trump and Johnson Already Talking Trade Deals for Post-Brexit


President Donald Trump and Britain’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, are already discussing potential trade deals between their respective countries as Britain prepares to leave the European Union on Oct. 31.

“We’re working already on a trade agreement,” said Trump on July 26, after talking with Johnson on the telephone, the BBC reported.  “And I think we can do three to four or five times what we’re doing…. [W]ith the UK we could do much, much more trade and we expect to do that.”

So far, there are no details about the trade agreement. No deals can be signed before the UK officially leaves the European Union (EU) because the EU forbids members to negotiate separately, and the United States does not have a trade deal with the EU. more

9 Comments on Trump and Johnson Already Talking Trade Deals for Post-Brexit

  1. Different Tim JULY 30, 2019 AT 9:47 AM
    “I can’t think of anything they have that I’d want.”

    …Old Monty Python political satire is good, and there’s some episodes of “The Young Ones” that were enjoyable as well..

  2. It’s not that we want their exports, although there is much good stuff that is made in England (We just make more)we want their business in buying our goods.

    No doubt his people are all over this but this is a huge opportunity, not only for helping American manufacturing but for showing the rest of the disaffected members of the EU that they can do much better going it alone.

  3. Supernightshade – LOVE Monty Python!

    Different Tim – can I have their tea? PG Tips and Twinings are my favorites. But I agree about the beans for breakfast. My first breakfast when I visited in 1985 was a shock! Cold toast and beans. No, thank you!

    Rich Taylor – BINGO!


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