Trump and Melania test positive for ChinaFlu-19 – IOTW Report

Trump and Melania test positive for ChinaFlu-19

Tonight, @Flotus and I tested positive for COVID-19.
We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!

57 Comments on Trump and Melania test positive for ChinaFlu-19

  1. Is this the October surprise?
    Will they make him transfer power to Mike Pence? Pence gets Covid next or worse-leaving Nancy is in charge? Oh, and Biden starts his ground game today while POTUS is locked down in quarantine for 2 weeks?!?! No rallies…

    🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m suspicious. 😒

  2. OK before anyone shits themselves, he hasn’t shown symptoms and neither has she.

    And to our advantage, the Trumps getting over the chinaflu will just add to his popularity- he’s strong, brave, etc so on. And then people will see EVERYBODY is getting it and getting over it, and there’s no point in lockdowns.

    Also, the media can’t annoy/interview Trump in person for 14 days, so they’ll have no choice but to go talk to Biden. And you know what happens when Biden starts flapping his lips. Gaffe central.
    But Trump will finally be able to talk, make statements without interruption from the Biden humping reporters. LOL!

  3. Illustr8r- This may freak Biden out thinking he has it, too. lol.
    I keep reading that the reason he doesn’t like to leave the basement is because he’s scared he’ll get it. Now he may never leave. haha

    Also, I think the president has to be unconscious, like in surgery, for the VP to run anything.

  4. Picture this- Biden gets corona, he gets really sick and ends up in the hospital and then (something bad) Trump is blamed for his “irreversible damage ” or ‘murder’

    2020, you are one annoying asshole. lol!

  5. They blame Trump for making Biden ‘stutter’. It doesn’t matter. To them, Trump can do no right. We have to stop getting upset over what they say. We can see it coming. They’re only doing these things for themselves at this point, because it doesn’t work.

    Had we rolled our eyes and said, “whatever” to the crap the left was calling us during 0bama era, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
    And by ‘we’ I’m mostly talking about the RINOS in politics and those in public life.

    Anyway, malaria pills and vitamin D.

  6. Biden better get tested. What a hoot if Plugs gets a false positive.
    Hey, it’s 2020 – the Year From Hell. Trick or Treat, ya’ll! 👿

    By the way, it’s true: Satan Never Sleeps.

  7. OK I gotta go to bed. But listen, everybody. You are going to read some disgusting, inhumane shit said about Trump for the next few days about the corona. Don’t take it personal. He doesn’t.
    Instead, do your job and flip that shit back onto Biden if one of your liberal friends gets ghoulish:
    Remind them that corona is 98% survivable, but whatever is happening to joe’s brain function isn’t.

  8. For what it’s worth, my 77 year-old mom tested positive last month…along with 2 other residents in her care home. She’s post-stroke, hypertensive (managed), and mildly diabetic. She and the others were asymptomatic. So either she was a false positive, which I doubt because of the two other positives, she was immune, or she wasn’t exposed enough.
    I have lefty friends on social media who are either happy or suspicious and think it’s some kind of scam.

  9. And stock up on toilet paper in the morning…
    When the Biden followers lose their sh!t over Trump and Melania’s speedy recovery, the TP shelves will be bare to wipe their butts.

  10. It’s an opportunity to show strength, not freak out or be sad.

    The greatest troll of all time, will simply show that it’s no big deal, felt a little run down, took medicine, and is fine, no need to panic.

    I hope Trump lays low a little bit, create a buzz, some drama, then emerges with one line on Twitter:

    I’M BACK!

  11. PRESIDENT Trump emerging victorious for battling COVID-19 is gonna be LEGEND…

    Trump’s enemies foreign and domestic are gonna rue the day he contracted this virus. BELIEVE ME. 🇺🇸

  12. President Donald J. Trump and his wife beating this will be a great boost for his campaign. Watching the Leftist Lunatics celebrating their catching the ChiComvirus will add to the valid impression that they are horrible, vicious people. This could prove beneficial in several inexplicable ways.

  13. Why do I have a feeling he is trolling the left? They will be so happy he has it and will hope for his demise. Like a true legend, he will defeat it…also, praising hydroxychloroquine…and rub it right in their faces. It’s a devious plan that will kick them in the chest and knock the wind out of them, just before the election. Trump, you cunning bastard, you.

  14. I am not worried in the least and agree with most here that once he survives this and reappears he will be one step away from being called Trumpperman and compared with superman.

    No matter what anyone thinks the basic fact that Trump walks hand in hand with God and does his will while spreading his message means he will survive this and prosper from it…. proof coming in two weeks.

  15. Prayers for the Trumps that they will only have a mild case of the virus, and a quick recovery to peak health. And receive the best correct medical treatment. Not quack advice that several presidents in the past received. Which happens when politics interferes with medical advice when treating the most powerful leader in the world. And that PDJT will go on to win a landslide reelection and serve our country four more years with great success.

  16. otoh, The fact that they became infected would seem to call into question whether wearing face masks and social distancing protocols are very effective protection against becoming infected or spreading the virus.

    Sure they have been to rallies, but I think mask wearing or social distancing were observed. And it was I believe more strictly followed within the WH than it is followed by most people out and about across the country. Maybe time to change the policies to something better, more common sense effective.

  17. He got the flu?
    Runny eyes and the occasional sneeze?

    President Trump and the First Lady are in great shape – nothing to worry about, except the media’s staged political kerfluffle. You can bet the whiners, twatwaffles, and shitweasels will be out in force.

    Chucky’ll be crying.
    Kameltoe’ll be belly-laughing.
    HRC’ll be cackling.
    Comey’ll be gritting his teeth.
    And the media will lie about all of it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. The media (NBC News) sort of insinuates they found the possible culprit (“patsy”, “fall guy”, etc.) in their following report:

    NBC News report excerpt (Upper Case & Brackets, mine):

    “Some of the [DETAILS REMAINED UNCLEAR] Thursday night, but [A SOURCE] familiar with the situation said Hicks tested negative Wednesday morning, before a trip to Minnesota for a Trump rally, and was not believed to have been showing any symptoms before departure”.

    Sorry about the somewhat paranoid interpretation, but when certain well-known, Trump-hating news media have been consistently caught lying to the public, they can never be trusted ever again with their “Alice in Wonderland” made-up narratives…But!…Why Hicks, of all beautiful, angelic-looking women??? Duuuuh!

  19. Both leaders of Canukistan’s opposition parties tested positive 2 weeks ago and gave Isolated responses to Turdeau’s throne speech WITH COVID.

    They Both looked GOOD and have already “RECOVERED” from Looking good & strong on TV.

    They are both back “work” after 2 weeks off.

    Conservative = ERIN O’TOOLE
    Quebec Separatist = Yves-Francois Blanchette

    WITH COVID THEY LOOKED BETTER THAN I DO after a day at work.

    Trump will make this look like HORSE SHIT!

  20. They have been taking hydroxychloroquine so they’ll probably not really get sick.
    They have a lot of us patriots who are lifting them in prayer.
    Between this and Melania’s former assistant releasing secretly recorded phone conversations, the media will have a great day. It will be short lived.
    Our God is greater than their god.

  21. 0500 this morning on a radio news broadcast the first 4 stories revolved around this. Then, when the announcer’s female counterpart came on with her segment it was her first 3 stories. Guess what the the 1st story was when the guy came back on? Lather, rinse, repeat. What a media circle-jerk this is gonna be. But, we might get a break from the white supremacy crap for an day or so.

    Has Fauci been on claiming he predicted all of this yet?

  22. Hey gloating Dems. Trump will be back better than ever in two weeks, with bonus immunity.

    Biden will still be demented and deteriorating.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  23. Lord God, please heal President Trump and the First Lady. Grant them a complete and swift recovery. Give them your peace and comfort.
    Our trust is in you, our healer and Almighty God.
    In Jesus name, Amen

  24. Chris Wallace is already all over the place trying to deflect from his abysmal performance and saying all the Trumps came in without masks and blah, blah, blah.
    I would really like to not hear his irritating voice again.
    Maybe he’ll follow Shep to CNBC.

  25. I pray for President Trump and Melania for their quick recovery. Trump’s a fighter, and he’s not going to let the Kung Fu Flu get him down. 🕊️❤️🙏

    I hope he tweets more than usual, just to irritate the left since he’s probably in quarantine. 😁

    Darn it, and I had tickets to the rally on Monday. 😿

  26. Oh Dear, I don’t having any thing nice to wear to his funeral! I better get to shopping. Would it be considered gauche to wear the same outfit to both Trump’s funeral and Biden’s inaugeration? Note to self to write Ms. Manners right away!

  27. Hell, create a daily election ad with Trump telling the people how he and the wife are doing (make sure she’s there as well) then hammer the Dems on something or promote one of his policies. In a perfect world do it live at a set time because most of the US would tune in to each one and the Dems couldn’t demand equal time because it’s political ad by Trump not a Presidential address.

  28. How this will play out…

    1. They’ll quarantine for two weeks.

    2. Trump will have a Twitterstorm because he’ll be bored AF.

    3. They’ll both be fine.

    4. The democrat pond scum screaming point will be that it was a hoax to get sympathy and avoid a debate or whatever lie they think will have the strongest polling impact among their semi-retarded base.

  29. If this had been oblowme and his beard, they would have flown AF1 & 2 to Hawaii to commence their annual six weeks of vacay for self-quarantine. Hell, oblowme would have faked chinaflu just so he could get out of work for an additional 2 weeks.

  30. Remember back when this all started? There were “experts” that said that we would probably all be exposed. And that a large percentage would most likely test positive at some point. And that’s what’s happening but everyone (meaning the media) runs around acting like the sky is falling. Because people TEST positive but may not actually be sick.

    So I will be praying for the President & family… and not watching any news for the foreseeable future. 😁

  31. Probably infected by Fauci, deliberately. We know know they are willing to burn down cities, churches, police stations, kill police officers,……
    I’ve always thought the Dems are behind the attack on the Boys Scouts. Why hasn’t there been an an attack on the Girls Scouts? I pretty sure in 108 years, there has been some impropriety. Or they’re just saving them for Creepy Joe.

  32. What fun if it’s a false positive! Trump has more twists and turns for these Dems than they can withstand. Whatever it is, our President comes out smelling like a rose and smiling.

  33. Jewel OCTOBER 2, 2020 AT 12:01 PM

    Thanks for the link…

    More coming to a thread near you.

    It becomes more and more obvious how critical the outcome of this election is.

    Won’t matter if you’re paranoid when they have total control over your every move.

    The price of our freedoms is ETERNAL VIGILANCE .

    Thank God Al Gore invented the internet!


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