Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Border Fence, Status of Jerusalem – IOTW Report

Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Border Fence, Status of Jerusalem


Donald Trump “discussed at length Israel’s successful experience with a security fence that helped secure its borders” during a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that lasted longer than an hour, according to a statement from the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign.

Trump’s proposal to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico as way to confront illegal immigration has become a cornerstone of his campaign, although the statement did not say whether he drew direct parallels with Israel’s border fence, which is meant to combat terrorism.

The real estate investor also “acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel,” his campaign said after Sunday’s meeting.

Palestinians claim all of east Jerusalem, including the Old City’s holy places, for the capital of a future state, while the current Israeli government says the city is its capital and won’t cede any of its eastern sector, which was annexed after a 1967 war in a move that isn’t internationally recognized. As a result, the U.S. and most other countries maintain embassies instead in Tel Aviv, although the U.S. Congress has periodically tried to move it.

‘Renounce Hatred’

During this year’s Republican presidential primaries several hopefuls, including Trump, advocated the move, which U.S. presidents have blocked for more than 20 years.

Trump said “peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish State,” the campaign said in the statement.


12 Comments on Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Border Fence, Status of Jerusalem

  1. Putin had this to say about having a conversation with Obama:

    “(It’s) like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon shits all over the board, knocks over all the pieces, and then struts about, crowing that he won.”

    Damn shame that Netanyahu is so polite and diplomatic.

  2. “Netanyahu, who met with President Barack Obama earlier in the week, was also scheduled to meet with Trump’s presidential rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, on Sunday.”

    Did that happen, or did she blow it off? I bet she blew it off to get more sleep.

  3. I imagine that PM Netanyahu discussed much more than just “the wall” with Trump.
    He may have discussed cough medicine and needle point with Hillary.
    Maybe even the weather.

  4. Being that BHO mentioned something about “Israelis building on Palestinian land” during his diatribe at the UN, Netanyahu may have told him the “go fuck yourself.” Wouldn’t it be grand to be a fly on the wall at some of these encounters?

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