Trump Angrily Denounces ‘Weak Leadership’ in Two Assassination Attempts on NYC Police – IOTW Report

Trump Angrily Denounces ‘Weak Leadership’ in Two Assassination Attempts on NYC Police

PJ Media:

The New York City Police Department is reeling after two assassination attempts several hours apart wounded two officers.

In the first incident, a suspect approached a parked patrol car and, after asking for directions, opened fire, slightly wounding one officer. The attack occurred about 8:30 p.m. Saturday night.

Then at around 8 am Sunday, a suspect, Robert Williams, who is believed to be the same man who shot into the patrol car, walked into a precinct and opened fire. read more

18 Comments on Trump Angrily Denounces ‘Weak Leadership’ in Two Assassination Attempts on NYC Police

  1. I cannot understand why cops just sit in their cars on their phones and let anybody come strolling up to the window, but they’d freak out if you got out of your car and and came towards their car after they pulled you over.

  2. To stop drunk drivers, the government is going to take away cars of legal, non-drunk drivers. That’s basically how gun control works.

    Arm, register, and train the good people to have guns, stop harassing them when they travel between states, and maybe, those good citizens will be able to help the police in times like these.

  3. “Arm, register, and train the good people to have guns”

    That’s part of it. And the FBI agrees. The one issue that Trump has disappointed me on.
    At this stage of the game I gotta blame the NYPD itself. The entire agency has turned into a bad joke. Where the hell is their union? It’s time for a major strike. As far as range time, NYPD gives it’s officers three choices for duty weapons. A G19, a Sig, and a wheel gun. All modified to a 12 pound trigger pull. For non gun people that’s like a damn garage door spring. Implications are the harder you need to torque on that trigger the farther you eventually pull your weapon off of site alignment. That’s why the NYPD is notorious for shooting everyone but the bad guy.

  4. Bad_Brad
    FEBRUARY 10, 2020 AT 12:39 PM
    “…As far as range time, NYPD gives it’s officers three choices for duty weapons. A G19, a Sig, and a wheel gun. All modified to a 12 pound trigger pull. For non gun people that’s like a damn garage door spring. Implications are the harder you need to torque on that trigger the farther you eventually pull your weapon off of site alignment.”

    …that’s fair, but if you spend enough time on the range with it, wouldn’t you develop a compensatory muscle memory if you stay with that PARTICULAR weapon? I mean you’re gonna pull a bit regardless, but this was also pretty up-close and personal, so at extremely close range, wouldn’t a well-trained deviation be negligible?

    …also, I don’t know anything about NYPD, but I do know that many of my local agencies allow for a backup weapon, like a M&P .40 in the County agency that isn’t for reaching out so much, but again VERY effective in a confined space. Does the NYPD allow for this, and could they not pull that instead if so?

    …You have much more knowledge on the subject than I, so I’m honestly curious and look forward to a reply…

  5. SNS

    Some of this involves Kinesiology. How much pressure can your average trigger finger generate, and at what percentage of that amount is controllable. So in other words I don’t think I can do a 12 pound trigger finger curl, so now I’m involving other muscle groups to compensate.
    Range time, dry fire practice will definitely help. However your average flat foot puts about 180 rounds down range annually to qualify. Not to mention a high percentage of LE now days are not gun people.
    During a gun fight you will sink to your lowest level of training. Muscle memory. Your serious urban gun slinger drills, and drills, and drills, trying to establish that muscle memory. LE standing in one stationary position throwing lead down range will do little to no good when he’s required to shoot while moving and off balance. And the last thing he should need to deal with is a ridiculously stiff trigger. Not to mention trigger control and actually feeling the reset would be next to impossible.
    I hope that make sense.

  6. Thank you for that,@Bad_Brad, it does make sense. I’ve known LEOs and worked with LEOs much of my adult life, but I’ve never BEEN one, so I do need some of the specific challenges explained. While FF and PD could socialize, they’d no more discuss the finer points of a running gun battle with me than I would discuss the necessity of a Keenen loop for high flow hose control with them, we just didn’t have shared context for that.

    …but what about my second point, do you know if they can have a backup and does it ALSO have to have a heavy pull? Seems like if they could have a pocket gun and USE it, that a short range duel like this could end differently…


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