Trump Announces Formation of Expert Panel to Join Forces with RFK Jr. in Tackling the Alarming Rise of Chronic Diseases in Children – IOTW Report

Trump Announces Formation of Expert Panel to Join Forces with RFK Jr. in Tackling the Alarming Rise of Chronic Diseases in Children

GP: In a groundbreaking announcement that has sent waves through the political and medical communities, President Donald Trump has unveiled his plan to form an expert panel in partnership with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to address the alarming rise of chronic diseases in children.

This announcement, made at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, signals a direct challenge to Big Pharma, whose unchecked influence has long been suspected of contributing to the health crisis facing the nation’s youth.

For years, Big Pharma has been raking in billions while the rates of chronic diseases, including autoimmune disorders, autism, and obesity, have skyrocketed among children. more

23 Comments on Trump Announces Formation of Expert Panel to Join Forces with RFK Jr. in Tackling the Alarming Rise of Chronic Diseases in Children

  1. JD agreed. In fact, many of teh childhood diseases are linked to the damn shot, which Trump was still bragging on last November last i saw. He may not want them to look too closely!

  2. In part it is the free wheeling Disease Inc., rewriting of history so that every malady, misbehavior ,and inconvenience in life is “a chronic disease” which allows them to give it a medical code to wring cash out of the insurance companies (aka public’s pockets).

  3. No better way to be President than to act like you already are!
    Pomp, puff, smoke, mirrors, hat-tricks, lies and empty promises only go so far… which is why dems cheat!
    Showing what a man can actually make happen is something people can sink their teeth into.

  4. You guys are waaaay off track. Did you ever listen to a damn thing the man ever said. What he was specific about in his speech was the increases in childhood obesity, childhood diabetes, and childhood cancer rates. If you chart them over the last twenty years they are off the charts. His major concern is what the hell are they putting in our food. Which obviously ties directly into Big Pharma. As far as I’m concerned, thank God someones going to take a hard look at this. It’s a major problem.
    Dan K, Trump removed the FDA road blocks for a vaccine the experts were telling us we needed yesterday. It was the logical thing to do. Unfortunately he was dealing with some very untrustworthy assholes. Personally, i can’t hold that against him.

  5. Bring the childhood vaccine schedule BACK to what it was in the 1980s and 90% of the problems will VANISH overnight. This is not a hard question to answer. BIG PHARMA is KILLING CHILDREN AS ALWAYS.

  6. One mistake Trump has made regarding RFK is to announce a DOJ action involving the release of the complete assassinations reports. While I endorse that taking place I think some cards should be held until the right time to play them.

  7. A noble endeavor, and well worth pursuing.

    And while he is at it, how about focusing on the mental health of our kids, especially boys. The war on masculinity, waged mostly by feminist teachers with an agenda must be stopped. Feminizing men is the quickest way I know to destroy society.

  8. @ Bad_Brad SATURDAY, 24 AUGUST 2024, 12:15 AT 12:15 PM

    No problem with the proposal, but where do you source the experts from? The trend by colleges and universities since the 1960’s has been to churn out politicized and weaponized “experts” in every field. Then have the media validate what is pure propaganda and anoint these bullshitters as some sort of oracle.

  9. JD
    That irritating raspy voice RFK has he blames on a childhood vaccine. Easy to research and find. He’s done a shit ton of research and has a panel of experts he uses. I’m sure he could find more. The mans motived. But I certainly understand your concern.

  10. Restore the liability so Pharma can be sued, get the Fluorine neurotoxin out of the drinking water. Take the vaccine mandate back to the 60’s [Polio, Smallpox DTP] and execute criminal health officials.


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