Trump announces new Cuba sanctions – IOTW Report

Trump announces new Cuba sanctions

AMN: President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday announced new economic sanctions against Cuba, during a memorial event with veterans of the failed 1961 “Bay of Pigs” invasion.

Trump announced that the U.S. Treasury Department would prohibit U.S. travels from staying at properties owned by the Cuban government, further restrict the importation of Cuban products like Cuban alcohol and tobacco. Trump said. “These actions will ensure that U.S. dollars do not fund the Cuban regime and go directly to the Cuban people.” more

8 Comments on Trump announces new Cuba sanctions

  1. He made a number of sorta veiled threats that Cuba was going to be freed.

    Man would that rock the world. That’s a huge nut to crack.

    When I used to sail in the Carib, we kicked around sailing into a Cuban POE. But it was illegal for US citizens. What was the stopper was there was no telling what the Cubans might do.

    Plus you could get all the Cuban cigars, coffee and rum you wanted in the BVI. Still it looked so beautiful. The rum is unreal.

  2. I was shocked when the Donger ended “Wet foot,Dry Foot” on His(?) way out of the

    Door in 16’…I thought that would really put the dims in the hole…But the

    Media claims Trump did it..And People are still spouting that Bullsh*t Today.

    Center Console Theft dropped a wee bit after that…No $$ in Smuggling People.

    They were getting something like $10k a head…Up Front.

  3. Thank God!

    The only benefit of having Fidel Castro’s Sometimes Black Son ruin our county is that you can buy 100% Authentic Cohiba cigars and Montecristo #2’s from Cuba.

    They are everything you have read about in Cigar Aficionado.

    Nicaragua and The Dominican Republic are not Cuba.

  4. ^^^^ shhhhhhhhhhhh! ^^^^

    the one good thing that no one else can supply is Cuban cigars … got hooked in Bermuda … absolutely no comparison

    that & Cuban ‘bunkmates’ … amazing what $50 US & a Zippo lighter can buy

  5. “What was the stopper was there was no telling what the Cubans might do.”

    I feel the same way about buying property in Mexico, etc.
    You are at the mercy of the asshole in charge at the moment.
    The next Jefe can take all your precious land and stuff your ass into a jail. What’s your defense? “But, I’m an American?” lololol

  6. @MJA

    My guess is that, like Nazi WW2 gold & art, it will be returned to the ancestors of those it was stolen from not long after Raul Castro Dies and there is no one to take over “la revolutzione”

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