Trump announces teamsters union leader to speak at RNC – IOTW Report

Trump announces teamsters union leader to speak at RNC

JTN -Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday announced that the president of a major union would speak at the Republican National Convention, marking the latest development in the GOP’s push to win over organized labor. more

4 Comments on Trump announces teamsters union leader to speak at RNC

  1. When Trump wins and leads this country out of the Obama/Biden ditch, and voters can compare his success against the abysmal failure of the worst president ever, I think we’ll be seeing this as the left’s Waterloo and the “Hoover effect” being its legacy.

  2. Isn’t there already enough organized crime in DC without getting into bed with these guys? How will America be harmed to keep this guy happy and to buy his votes?

  3. A lot of rank and file democrats have voted republican. It’s the union leadership that has always conspired to take the members dues to hand back over to the democrats.


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