Trump answers Michelle, slams her husband’s response to H1N1 Swine Flu – IOTW Report

Trump answers Michelle, slams her husband’s response to H1N1 Swine Flu

World Tribune:


Trump also tweeted: “Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement…..” more here

3 Comments on Trump answers Michelle, slams her husband’s response to H1N1 Swine Flu

  1. Huh, Big Mike must be mad because his balls itch again thanks to bath house barry giving him a few STD’s and a bad case of crabs.

    condoms do not protect against everything!!!

  2. Oh yeah, Jackass Joe knows whut it takes….
    I remember Joe’s 1st BFD that he called “Recovery Summer”!
    That was 2011 and boy did it suck! Corperations weren”t investing in anything knowing that under the Obamboozler a million dollar investment that year would only be worth 800k the following year and the only thing “shovel ready” wuz the Bullshit they fed the Public!!

  3. Man-O-Man is DJT fabulous or what? His response to Big Mike’s laughingstock of a speech is priceless. We got so used to our side acting like scolded puppies when faced with a cavalcade of lies.

    Our President doesn’t and it’s great.


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